Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Sources of Energy - Period 85: Looking back and Project

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 10: Sources of Energy - Period 85: Looking back and Project

1. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the future continuous. (Ex. 2/p. 46)

You’ll recognise her when you see her. She (wear) _______________a green hat.

I’ll be on holiday this time next week. I (lie) _________________ on a beautiful beach.

 At 10 o’clock tomorrow he (work) __________________ in his office.

I (study) __________________in England next year.

They (build) ________________their house this time next month.


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Good morning Everybody WELCOME TO MY CLASS* Warm up : JUMBLE WORDS 1. MFAULHRHARMFUL2. SALORSOLAR3. FPOTRONITFOOTPRINT4. UARNECLNUCLEAR5. OGBAISBIOGAS6. GANDOREUSDANGEROUSUnit 10PERIOD 85LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT SOURCES OF ENERGYI. VOCABULARYSources of energyAdvantagesDisadvantages* Put the words into the correct groups. (Ex. 1/ p. 46) cleancheapplentifulavailableunlimited pollutingexpensivelimitedexhaustedharmfuldangerous biogassolargasnuclearII. GRAMMAR1. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the future continuous. (Ex. 2/p. 46)You’ll recognise her when you see her. She (wear) _______________a green hat.I’ll be on holiday this time next week. I (lie) _________________ on a beautiful beach. At 10 o’clock tomorrow he (work) __________________ in his office.I (study) __________________in England next year.They (build) ________________their house this time next month.will be wearingwill be lyingwill be workingwill be studyingwill be building2. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. (Ex. 3/p. 46)3. Complete the dialogue, using the future continuous form of the verbs. (Ex. 4/ p. 46)Play gameTo pick up flowers237516981041. People in Britain will spend a lot of money on heating next year. A lot of money will . A lot of money will be spent on heating next year.2. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. (Ex. 3/p. 46)2. People will use biogas for fuel in home and for transport.biogas will . Biogas will be used for fuel in homes and for transport.2. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. (Ex. 3/p. 46)3. We will reduce out use of electricity to save energy.The use of electricity will . The use of electricity will be reduced to save energy.2. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. (Ex. 3/p. 46)Tom: I’m going to go to university. Six years from now, I’ll be running a big company. I expect I (earn) ____________ lots of money.will be earning3. Complete the dialogue, using the future continuous form of the verbs. (Ex. 4/ p. 46)TONY: I don’t know what I (do) _____________What about you Linda? What _______ you (do) _____________, do you think?will be doing3. Complete the dialogue, using the future continuous form of the verbs. (Ex. 4/ p. 46)willBe doingLINDA: I’m too lazy to do any work. I intend to marry someone rich. I (host) ______________ parties all the time. We’ll have robots that (do) _____________ all the work. And you’ll both get invitation.will be hosting3. Complete the dialogue, using the future continuous form of the verbs. (Ex. 4/ p. 46)Will Be doingIII. COMMUNICATIONLook at the pictures and answer the question below. (Ex. 5/p. 46)AWe should turn off the fan when we do not use it. We should close the refrigerator’s door when we do not use it.BWe should turn off the faucet when the tub is full of water.CWe should turn off the fire when the kettle is boiling.DWe should turn off the gas-stoves when we do not cook.EWe should turn off the lights when there is no one in the room.FIV. PROJECT1. Look at the slogans and answer the questions below. (Ex. 1/p. 47)GOING OUT?TURN IT OFF!SAVE ENERGY TODAY FOR A SAFER TOMOOROW!IT IS USED TO REMIND PEOPLE SAVE ENERGY.2. Write a simple slogans in your groups about how to save energy. (Ex. 2/p.46)V. AT HOME Review all vocabulary and structures. Do all exercises again. Review unit 9 and 10 to do ONE – PERIOD TEST. V. AT HOME Do all the exercises again. Write a short passage telling your dream house (Ex. 5 / p.45). Review unit 9 and 10 to do the ONE – PERIOD TEST. 

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