Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: An Overcrowded World - Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1 1

Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Unit 12: An Overcrowded World - Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1 1

Good _______________ helps people to stay healthy, and to live longer.

When people need money badly, they may commit _______________.

_______________ spreads more quickly in overcrowded areas.

_______________ is the major cause of death for children living in the slums.

In most big cities there are many wealthy people. but _______________ is still a problem.

2. Complete the sentences with some of the words from

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WELCOME  TO  OUR  CLASSENGLISH 7CTeacher: Dang Thi Thu HaFriday, May 14, 2021WarmerUnit 12: An overcrowded worldLesson 2: A closer look 11. Listen and number the words in the order you hear them. crime healthcare disease poverty shortage malnutrition space dense12345678Vocabulary2. Complete the sentences with some of the words from 1.Good _______________ helps people to stay healthy, and to live longer.When people need money badly, they may commit _______________._______________ spreads more quickly in overcrowded areas._______________ is the major cause of death for children living in the slums.In most big cities there are many wealthy people. but _______________ is still a problem. healthcarecrimeDiseaseMalnutritionpoverty3. Match a cause with its effect. CauseEffectpovertyoverpopulationnot enough foodshortage of clean watertoo many vehiclesno rainnot enough spacecrimeair pollutiondiseasedroughtmalnutrition4. Work in groups. Thinking of some problems for each place below and write them under the place. Share your ideas with the class.a. Lack of entertainment, few opportunities for employment, not enough services.b. Poverty, slums, disease, pollution, unemployment, poor healthcare.c. Noise / air pollution, crime, overcrowded, shortage of accommodation.PronunciationWord stress5. Listen and mark (’) the stress in the words.spaciouspollutionpovertystressfulhungrynutritionincreasesupportviolenceshortagediseasehealthcareLISTEN AGAIN AND REPEATNounVerbGenaralrulesStress on the first syllablee.g. This ’record is great.Stress on the second syllablee.g. Can you re’cord this programme for me?Group 1Group 2ExceptionsBoth nouns and verbs have stress on the first syllable.e.g. There’s no ’answer to this question.Both nouns and verbs have stress on the second syllablee.g. Shall we go and watch the pa’rade?Look out!Some two-syllable words can be a noun or a verb. The stress changes when the use of the word changes.6. Listen and repeat each pair. Mark (’) the stress on the words in the table below.Words As a nounAs a verb recordrecordrecordpicturepicturepictureanswer answeranswerparade parade parade supportsupportsupport Thanks for your attention GOODBYEAnd SEE YOU AGAIN

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