Giáo án Anh văn 7 - Lesson 6: Skill 2 - Năm học 2020-2021

Giáo án Anh văn 7 - Lesson 6: Skill 2 - Năm học 2020-2021

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get specific information about an unusual hobby.Take note the hobbies and write a paragraph about his/her friend’s hobby.

Better Ss can write a completed paragraph about his/her friend’s hobby.

* Vocabulary: Words related to the topic

* Grammar: simple present, simple past

* Skills: Listening, writing

II. Teaching aids:

- Computer, projector .

III. Procedure


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Date of planning: 12 /9/2020 
Date of teaching: 7C 15 /9/2020; 7AB: 18 /9/2020: 
Period: 6	 UNIT 1: My hobbies
 Lesson 6: Skill 2
I. Objectives.
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get specific information about an unusual hobby.Take note the hobbies and write a paragraph about his/her friend’s hobby.
Better Ss can write a completed paragraph about his/her friend’s hobby.
* Vocabulary: Words related to the topic
* Grammar: simple present, simple past
* Skills: Listening, writing
II. Teaching aids:
- Computer, projector .
III. Procedure
T’s and Ss’ activities
The content
1. Class organization. (1’)
- Greetings.
- Checking attendance:
2. Checking the old lesson: (5’)
3. New lesson.
*Warm up.(3’)
Chatting: Ex1: Ask Ss if they know anything about collecting glass bottles and if they think it is useful. 
* Activity 1: Listening: (12’)
Ex2: - You are going to listen an interview about Mi’s hobby. Ss read through the word web. Have Ss guess the word/phrase to fill in each blank and write their guesses on the board. Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and complete the word web. Ss work in pairs to compare their answers with each other and write the word/phrase on the board.
Play the recording a second time for pairs to check their answers.
- Ask for Ss’ answers and write them on the board next to their guesses.
Mi’s hobby:
1. Name of the hobby
2. Started
3. Person who shares the hobby with Mi:
4. To do this hobby you have to:
a, collect bottles after use+ get them from..
b, Make .vases .or 
c, use them as ..decorations
5. Feelings about the hobby.
6. Future: will
* Activity 2: Writing: (12’)
Ask Ss to write a paragraph about a classmate’s hobby. Tell Ss they will use the word web as a way to organise their idea.
Ex3: Ss work in pairs and interview each other about heir hobby. Ask Ss to take notes on each other’s answers in the word web
4. Production(8’)
 Ex4: Ss write their paragraphs individually based on the information in their word webs. Ask one St to write his/her paragraph on the board. Other Ss and T comment on the paragraph on the board. Then T collects some writings to correct at home
5. Homework.(4’)
- Complete the paragraph at home.
- Do exercise: E1,2 workbook
- Prepare: Looking back: Review the grammar and do exercises
I. Listening
Ex1: Do you know anything about collecting glass bottles? DO you think it is a good hobby? Why? Why not?
Ex2: Listen to an interview about hobbies 
1. collecting glass bottles.
2. two years ago.
3. mother
4. a, grandmother; 
 b, flower; lamps
 c, home
5. useful
6, continue the hobby
II. Writing
Writing tip: You can use a word web as a way to organise the ideas for your writing
Ex3: Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about each other’s hobbies. Take note below: 
 ’s hobby
1. Name of the hobby
2. Started
3. Person who shares the hobby with Mi:
4. To do this hobby you have to: 
5. Feelings about the hobby .
6. Future: will .
Ex4: Now, write a paragraph about your classmate’s hobby. Use the notes from Ex3. Start your paragraph as shown below. my classmate. His/her hobby is 
* Better Ss can write a completed paragraph about his/her friend’s hobby.

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  • docxgiao_an_anh_van_7_lesson_6_skill_2_nam_hoc_2020_2021.docx