Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Võ Thị Phan

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Võ Thị Phan

I- The aims and requests:

- Help ss to read the details and revise the simple present tense; comparisons;

 “a lot of. / many .”

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to answer the questions after reading a text about Hoa correctly.

- Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing.

II- Preparation:

1. Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, poster, book.

2. Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks.

III- Procedures:

1. Organization (1’): - Good afternoon! – Who’s absent today?

2. Checking up ( 5’)

a- Questions : work in pairs ( listen - part a .A1,p.10 )

b- Keys.

c- Forms of checking: pair works.

d- T corrects and gives marks.

3. New lesson :


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Date of preparing: .
Period 1 Unit 1 : Back to school
 Lesson 1 – A 1
I- The aims and requests:
- Help ss introduce and greet with “Nice to meet you”; “How are you ? ”
- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen and work in pairs by using “ Nice to meet you” ; “ How are you ? ” fluently and correctly.
- Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing.
II- Preparation:
Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, cassette, CD.
Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks.
III- Procedures:
Organization (1’): greeting “Good afternoon!” “Who’s absent today?”
Checking up ( 5’): 
Questions work in pairs : exercise 2 .1
Forms of checking: speaking in pairs.
T corrects and gives marks.
New lesson :
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
Warm up : *Slap the board 
Good morning
Good bye
 - T explains the way to play; share the class into 2 teams.
 - Find out the winner.
B- Pre- teach :
1. Pre- listening : 
 -T introduces the situation in A1.
 - Ask ss to predict the missing words :
Ba: Hello, Nam.
Nam: Hi, Ba. Nice to see you again.
Ba: Nice to (1)....... you, too.
Nam: This is our new classmate .Her name’s Hoa.
Ba: Nice to meet (2)......., Hoa.
Hoa: (3)....... to meet you, Ba. 
2. While- listening:
a) T gets feedback, ss give the answer keys :
 *Keys : 1- see 2- you 3- nice
b) T asks ss to listen A1 (a, b) p.10 in 3 times.
- T asks ss to repeat in chorus, and then work in groups of 3.
- T asks one or two groups to practice the dialogue in class.
 - T explains the different “ Nice to see you ” with “ Nice to see you again”
“Nice to see you”: 2 ng­êi gÆp nhau lÇn ®Çu vµ ®­îc giíi thiÖu ®Ó lµm quen.
-“Nice to see you again”: 2 ng­êi gÆp l¹i sau1 thêi gian 
* “So am I”: diÔn t¶ sù ®ång t×nh.
c) A3- p.12 :
- Ask ss to look at the picture and answer the questions :
 - Who are they?
 - What are they doing?
- T plays the tape 3 times. Then ask ss to repeat in pairs.
3- Post- listening:
 *Mapped dialogue :
Mr. Hai
.... morning, ....
.... fine, thanks . And you?
Good bye. See....
.... morning, ....
.......well. Good bye.
 IV- Consolidation:
Retell the different 
+“Nice to see / meet you” 
 + “Nice to see / meet you again ”
+ Hi / Hello / Good ......
V- Homework:
 - Ask ss to learn by heart the way to greet each other and ask about their health.
 - Ask ss to prepare lesson for the next period.
- Play game in 2 teams.
“slap the board”
-Ss predict the missing words individually.
-Listen and give the keys
- Listen to the tape.
- Repeat in chorus.
- Work in groups of 3.
- Copy dow
- Look at the picture& answer
* They are greeting each other.
* Mr. Tan & Nga
- Side- side
- Open - pairs
- Close- pairs
-Retell the main points.
Then copy down the homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: .
Date of teaching:
Period 2 Unit 1 : Back to school
 Lesson 2 – A 2
I- The aims and requests:
- Help ss to read the details and revise the simple present tense; comparisons;
 “a lot of... / many ...”
- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to answer the questions after reading a text about Hoa correctly.
- Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing.
II- Preparation:
Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, poster, book.
Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks.
III- Procedures:
Organization (1’): - Good afternoon! – Who’s absent today?
 Checking up ( 5’)
Questions : work in pairs ( listen - part a .A1,p.10 )
Forms of checking: pair works.
T corrects and gives marks.
New lesson :
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
*Warm up: Matching.
-T hangs a poster on the bb, asks ss to match some words.
 aunt cô, dì
 happy cha mẹ
 live vui vẽ, hạnh phúc
 school chú bác
 big mới
 uncle sống 
 parents lớn
 new trường học
A. Pre – reading :
1. Pre – teach :
*Vocabulary: T presents some new words.
- Different ( adj ) : khác nhau ( example)
- Unhappy ( adj ) : không vui , buồn ( antonym)
- (to) miss ( v ) : nhớ ( explanation)
- Lots of / a lot of : nhiều ( translation)
- Many / still : nhiều / vẫn còn, cho đến ( translation )
- Bigger than : lớn hơn, to hơn ( example )
- Friends : bạn bè (translation).
*‘Many’: được dùng trong câu phủ định hoặc nghi vấn .
*‘A lot of (lots of): đứng sau danh từ số nhiều dùng trong câu khẳng định. 
Check: Rub out & Remember.
2. T/F statements prediction :
- T explains new situation: Hoa is a new student in HH school. Do you know where is she come from, who’s she staying with? Now just guess about her.
- Ask ss to guess T or F?
a) Hoa is from Hue.
b) She lives with her parents in Hanoi
c) She has a lot of friends in Hanoi.
d) She misses her parents in Hue.
e) She is happy now.
B- While – reading :
- Ask ss to read and corrects their predictions.
* Get feedback : a) T ; b) F ; c) F ; d) T ; e) F
*- Comprehension questions : 
Ask ss to answer 5 qs in 10’.
* Get feedback :
 a) Hoa is from Hue.
 b) She is staying with her uncle and aunt in Hanoi.
c) No, she doesn’t.
d) Her new school is bigger than her old school.
e) Because she misses her parents and her friends.
C- Post – reading :
* Transformation writing:
Ask ss to change “ Hoa” to “ I ” 
 Ex: I am a new student in class 7A. I am from Hue.
For stronger Ss: change the information and change “Hoa” to “I”.
Ex: I’m a new student in class 7B. I’m from BG. 
IV- Consolidation:
Retell contents of A2.
V- Homework:
Learn by heart vocabulary.
Do exercises in workbook.
Prepare for next lesson.
- One by one to go to the b.b to math.
- Others look at this and corrects.
- Listen & repeat in chorus – Work individually
- Copy down.
- Rewrite words
- Listen 
- Guess T/ F individually
- Ss to guess T or F?
- Work individually, then share with their partner.
- Read the text and check their predictions
- Answer the questions (work in pairs)
- Transformation writing.
- Look at the example & write
- Retell the main points of this lesson.
- Copy down homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: 
Date of teaching: 
Period 3 Unit 1: Back to school
Lesson 3 : A 3 , 4,5
I .The aims and requests:
- Help ss how to introduce & greet with “How everything”
- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen & complete the dialogue well.
- Develop 4 skills: L, S, R, and W.
II .Preparation:
1. Teacher’s preparation: textbook, pictures, sub- board, CD, Radio, poster.
2. Students’ preparation: book, notebook, workbook
 III. Procedures:
Organization (1’): greeting “Who’s absent today?”
Checking up ( 4’) :
Ask two ss to perform their writing.
T corrects & gives them marks.
New lesson :
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
A. Pre- listening :
- T elicits some new words or phrases.
- pretty good (adj ): người tốt ( explanation)
- How is everything? : Mọi việc như thế nào?(translation)
- Nice to see you! # Nice to see you again! (revision)
- So am I / Me, too : Tôi cũng vậy ( translation)
- Just fine: rất khoẻ, bình thường (translation)
-Very well : rất tốt, rất khỏe.(synonym)
 * Check : Matching
B- While- listening :
1) Gap fill :
- T hangs a poster about A4 a, b.
- Ask ss to predict some missing words or phrases first.
- Compare with their partner.
- Ask Ss listen to the Radio and check their predictions.
* Get feedback : 
a) Mr. Tan: ... How are you?
 Miss Lien: pretty good.... How about you?
 Mr. Tan: Not bad.....
 Miss Lien: So am I.
b) Nam: ... How is everything?
 Nga: O.K.... How are you today?
 Nam: Just fine.....
 Nam: Yes, me, too.
- T gives answer keys( hangs poster)
2) Ask ss to work in pairs.( Read again the dialogue)
3) A5: Ask ss to listen and write the letter of the dialogue in their order they hear.
- T plays cassette 3 times.
- T hangs picture cue drill.
- Get feedback :
C- Post – listening: Mapped dialogue.
.... morning ,.... ----->
.... too .How is ....? -->
.... bye. See you again -->
.... morning, ....
Nice....again .
 IV- Consolidation :
Retell the contents of A 4, 5.
V – Homework :
Learn by heart new words.
Do the exercise A1,2,3 
- Prepare for next lesson.
- Listen to T
- Repeat in chorally- individually
- Match words
- Do individually, then compare.
- Listen & check
- Give answer keys.
- Work in pairs
- Listen & write
- Work in pairs
- Retell the main points of this lesson.
-Copy down homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Week 2: 
Date of preparing: 
Date of teaching: 
Period 4 Unit 1: Back to school
Lesson 4: b 1-2
Name and addresses
I. The aims and requests: 
- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and give (name, age, address) well.6
- Help ss how to ask and give personal information.
II. Preparation:
T’ preparation: Lesson plan, word cues, picture, Radio, CD, posters.
SS’ preparation: Book and notebook.
III. Procedures:
T’s activities
ss’ activities
1. Organization: - Greeting – “Who’s absent today?”
2.Checking up & warm up :
+Ask 2 ss to ask & answer the qs; 
Where is Hoa from?
Why is Hoa unhappy?
T corrects and gives them marks.
+ Play a game: Slap the board.
different unhappy miss just fine 
 pretty good friends
T shares the class into 2 teams.
3.New lesson :
I .Presentation :
T presents some new words;
+ grade ; khối lớp 
+ family name : họ ( explanation ) 
+ middle name : tên đệm ( example )
+ an address : địa chỉ ( example )
Check: Matching.
Presentation dialogue :
-T presents the dialogue B1- p15 : 
 + How many people are there in this picture? 
 + Who are they? 
Comprehension qs :
-T asks ss to answer the qs given;
a. Who is Hoa talking to? 
b. What is Hoa’s family name? 
c. What is her middle name?
d. Where does she live? 
- Get feedback.
II. Practice : 
1. Word cues drill :
- T runs through the cues.
- Ask ss to practice in exchange.
 * Nam / Nguyen / 15 years old / 20Le Loi street.
 * Mai / Tran / 14 / 2 Nguyen khuyen.
 * Nam / Duong / 16 / 25 Tran phu 
Example exchange: 
T: What is Nam’s family name? 
S1: His family name is Nguyen.
T: How old is he? 
S1: He’s 15.
T: Where does he live?
S1: 20 Le Loi Street.
2.Gap – fill: B2- p.16
Ask ss to fill in each blank with a suitable word
Answer key: 
 *Nga: Who..... ? / Who....? / Which....?/ Where....?/ Where.....?
- Ask ss to work in pairs.
III. Production : B3 – p.16
Ask ss to ask their partner , then fill in the form:
Name: ...................................................................
Age : ...................................................................
Grade ....................................................................
School: ...................................................................
Home address: ......................................................
4.Consolidation : 
Retell the use of some Wh - qs.
5.Homework :
Do the exercise ( B1,2 p. 5,6 – workbook )
Learn by heart new words.
- Greeting.
- one asks – the other answers
-Play game in 2 teams.
- Slap the board.
- Find out the winner
- Listen to the T 
- Repeat in chorally – individually.
- Copy down.
- Match words
- listen to the T.
answer in individually
a. Hoa is talking to Miss Lien.
b. Hoa’s family name is Pham.
c. Her middle name is Thi.
- run through the cues
 Practice in exchange:
 T- the whole class
 half – half
 open pairs
 close pairs.
- Do individually
-Ask their partners to 
fill some information
in the form.	
- Retell
- Do the exercises	
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: 
Date of teaching: 
Period 5 Unit 1: Back to school
Lesson 5: b 4,5,6.
I .The aims and requests:
 - Help ss use “How far” questions and answers with “kilometers / meters” to talk about distance.
 - After the lesson ss will be able to practice with their partner by using Wh- questions; How questions fluently. 
 - Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
II .Preparation:
1. Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, tape, cassette, pictures.
2. Students’ preparation: book, notebook, workbook
III. Procedures:
Organization (1’): greeting “Who’s absent today?”
Checking up ( 4’ ) :
Qs: ask & answer with: 1- What’s your name?
 2- How old are you?
 3- How far is it from your house to school?
 b) Keys: 1- My name’s...
 2- I’m 14/13 
 3- It’s about 2/3 kilometers.
 c) Forms of checking: speaking.
 d) T corrects & gives them marks.
 3- New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
A- Presentation :
1. Pre- teach : T presents some new words :
- far ( adj) : xa ( example)
- distance( n) : khoản cách ( explanation)
- movie theater (n) : rạp chiếu phim ( explanation)
- means of transport (n): phương tiện giao thông ( explanation)
* Check: Matching.
2. Presentation dialogue : 
- Comprehension qs: a) – Where does Hoa live?
b)- Is it far from school?
c) – How does she get there ?
* Model sentences : 
- T: How far is it from your house to school?
 Ss: It is about one kilometer from my house to school.
Practice: word cues drill.
T runs through all the cues.
T asks ss to practice in exchange :
– The market / school / 2 kilometers.
– The post office / bank / 7 kilometers.
– The bus stop / movie theater / 3 kilometers.
Example exchange: How far is it from the market to school? – It’s about 2 kilometers.
Production : Survey 
Ha village
2 kilometers
by bike
 Ex: T: Where do you live?
 Ss: I live in Ha village.
 T: How far is it from your house to school? 
 Ss: It’s about 2 kilometers.
 T: How do you go to school?
 Ss: by bike.
Retell the way to ask & answer about distance.
V. Homework :
- Learn by heart the new words 
- Do the exercises in B3, 4 – p.6,7 –workbook .
Prepare for next lesson.
- Listen to the T
- Repeat in chorally – individually
- Copy down.
- Match words.
- Give short answers: a)12 Tran Hung Dao street. b).... c)...
- Listen & work in pairs
- Run through all the cues.
T - the whole class
- Half- half 
- Open pairs.
- Close pairs.
- Ask their partner & fill in the form 
- Retell: How far...?
- Copy down homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: ..
Date of teaching: 
Period 6 
Unit 2: personal information
Lesson 1: a 1,2.
I .The aims and requests:
 - Help ss how to give the telephone numbers.
 - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and give the telephone numbers, then further practice in address well.
 - Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
 II. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, poster, cassette, tape.
2. Students’ preparation: books, notebooks, workbook
 III. Procedures:
1. Organization (1’): greeting “Who’s absent today?”
 2. Checking up (3’):
a) Question: How far is it from your house to school? – S1
b) Answer: It’s about ....kilometer(s) – S2
 S3: write vocabulary.
c) Forms of checking: speaking, writing.
d) T corrects and gives them marks.
 3. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activities
Warm up : “ Bingo”
-T presents how to play this game :
* Distance / movie theater / family name / friends / address / different / unhappy.
- Find out the winner.
A- Presentation :
1. Pre – teach: T explains some new words.
call somebody (n) : gọi cho ai ( explanation)
personal ( adj) : thuộc về¸ cá nhân ( explanation)
information (n) : thông tin ( translation)
2.Presentation text : A3 
T presents new sentence : give model sentences
What is your / his / her telephone number?
865. 732.
* Get feedback :
B- Practice :
1. Word cue drill :
- T runs through all cues.
- Practice in exchange :
Ex: s1: What is his telephone number? ( Nam / 864534)
 s2: 864 534.
An / 7345 610
Ba / 6351 793
Bang / 8237 041
Bao / 8521 936
A2 : listen and write telephone numbers :
T plays the tape 3 times, asks ss to listen to the tape and write numbers they hear.
* Get feedback ; a) 8251 654 d) 8351 793
 b) 8250 514 e) 8237 041
 c) 8521 936 f) 8821 652
C- Further practice: A3- p.20.
-T asks to listen to the tape 3 times, and then work in pairs.
Lan: ............. 
Hoa: ............
Production: Survey – p. 20.
-Ask ss to ask their classmates & complete the list :
Telephone numbers
Ex: s1: What’s your telephone number, Lan?
 Lan: 8262 091.
 s1: Where do you live?
 Lan: I live........... 
IV- Consolidation:
-Retell the way to ask about one’s telephone number by using “What’s your / his / her telephone number?”
V- Homework :
- Learn by heart vocabulary / new structures.
- Do the exercise in A1, 2 – workbook. 
-Ss write 3or 4 words.
- Listen 7 t read if ss have the same words – please say “Bingo”
- listen to the T
- Repeat in chorally, and then do individually.
- Copy down.
- Listen to the T.
-Repeat in chorus.
T --> w.c
Side --> side
- Open pairs 
- Close pairs
T--> w.c
- Side – side
-Open pairs --> close pairs
- Listen & write telephone numbers.
-Listen & practice in pairs.
- Work in pairs to complete the list given.
Some Ss to retell the main points of this lesson.
Copy down homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: ..
Date of teaching: 
Period 7 
Unit 2: personal information
Lesson 2: a 3.
I. The aims and requests: 
 - Help ss understand “What- questions” to talk about sure events in the future by using “will” in positive statements.
- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice “will” with “Wh- questions” well.
- Develop 4 skills: l, S, R & W.
II. Preparation: 
1. Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, cassette, tape, word cues, posters.
2. Ss’ preparation: books, notebooks.
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
SS’ activities
1. Organization: greeting “Who’s absent today?”
2. Checking up + warm up :
 - Ask ss to do A2 (a,b).
- Jumbled words: 1. vomei -.> movie; 2. rehatte --> theater; 3. pletloehe -> telephone ; 4. lcal -> call ; 5. nuhpayp -> unhappy.
* Keys : a )A – x ; B – v
 b)A – v ; B – x
3. New lesson :
A- Presentation :
1. Pre – teach: Vocabulary: T presents some new words .
- (to) meet : gặp ( translation)
- free (adj) : rãnh rổi ( antonym )
- (to) start : bắt đầu ( antonym)
- great (adj) : tuyệt vời ( translation)
- Can I speak to...? : Tôi có thể nói chuyện với...?
- Who’s calling? : Ai đang gọi vậy ? 
2. Presentation dialogue :
-Ask ss to predict what they will talk.
 Tam Phong
- Comprehension questions : A4 – p.21
- Ask ss to predict the answers
* Keys : a) Phong & Tam
b) They will see a movie.
c) They’ll meet at 6.45.
d) They’ll meet in front of the movie theater.
3. Model sentence:
 T sets the scene and gives model sentences:
Where will we meet?
We’ll meet in front of the movie theater.
Practice in exchange : 
Concept check :
*Meaning: Chúng ta ẽ gặp nhau ở đâu?/ chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau trước rạp chiếu phim.
* Form: -Where + will + S + V?
 - S + will + V + Prep + place.
* Use: to express the simple future tense.
* Pronunciation: falling at the end of the sentence.
B- Practice : word cue drill :
- T helps ss run through the cues : 
a) Where / meet /? (in the street )
b) What / see /? ( a film )
Ex: Where will we meet? We’ll meet in the bookshop.
Call some pairs to practice A4- P.21.
C- Production: A5- P.21 – Listening.
- Ask ss to fill information in the form after 3 times they hear.
Telephone number: 8 545 545.
They will see: a movie.
They will meet at: Lan’s house.
They will go by: bus.
* Get feedback.
IV- Consolidation :
T asks ss to say again the model of the simple future tense with Wh- qs.
V- Homework :
- Learn by heart vocabulary.
- Do the exercises 1-> 5
- work in pairs
- Listen & repeat in chorally ,then do individually
-Match words.
They are Tam and Phong
- Phone number: ........
- Copy down
- Translate.
- Copy down.
- Run through the cues. 
T -> w.class
Open pairs -> close pairs
-Listen to the tape 3 times
- To fill in the form.
-Give their answers.
- Retell the main points of this lesson
- Copy down homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: ..
Date of teaching: 
Period 8
Unit 2: personal information
Lesson 3: a 4,5
I. The aims and requests:
- Help ss read the dialogue between Han and Phong.
- After the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue and answer the questions correctly.
- Develop 4 skills: L, S, R and W.
II. Preparation:
Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, poster.
SS’ preparation: books, notebooks.
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
SS’ activities
1. Organization: Greeting, “Who’s absent today?”
2. Checking up + warm up :
- Ask ss to make questions and answers: What / do /? – I / my / homework/ next Sunday morning.
- Keys: - What will you do? I do my homework next Sunday morning.
- Forms of checking: writing.
- T corrects and gives them marks.
3. New lesson:
A- Pre- teach : 
 T elicits some new words :
- (to) speak to : nói chuyện với ai ( explanation)
- (to) be out : ra ngoài , ( translation )
- (to) be back : quay về ( translation )
* Checking : Rub out & Remember
B- Reading:
1. Pre- reading : ( T / F statements )
- T gives a poster with 5 sentences.
- T asks ss to predict T / F.
a) Phong calls Lan,
b) Han is phong’s sister.
c) Lan’s out when Phong calls her.
d) Lan’ll be back at 5 o’clock.
e) Phong’ll call Lan after 6 o’clock.
- T gets feedback : a- T ; b- F ; c- T ; d- F ; e- T
2. While – reading :
- Ask ss to read the dialogue again to answer the questions.
- T corrects and gets feedback :
a) Phong is calling.
b) Han is answering the phone.
c) They are talking about Lan.
d) She will be back at about 6 o’clock.
e) Phong will call her again after 6.
3. Post- reading : ( Role play)
- Ask ss to work in pairs to make the similar dialogue.
- T gets feedback.
- Play with words: Will you come to my party?
IV- Homework:
T says again the dialogue.
V- Consolidation :
- Learn by heart vocabulary.
- Prepare the lesson for the next lesson.
-Work in pairs 
- Listen & repeat in chorally, then individually.
- Copy down.
- Guess T or F
- Read & guess T / F
- Give answers
- Read & check
- Copy down
- Ss predict T/F?
- Read & answer the questions
- Side - side to read.
- Work in pairs
- Listen to the T & some Ss retell the main points.
-Copy down homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: .
Date of teaching: 
Period 9
Unit 2: personal information
Lesson 4: b1, 2 
My birthday
I .The aims and requests:
 - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about dates of a month & the names of the months in a year.
- Help ss understand & remember the names of the dates in a month; the names of the months in a year fluently.
 - Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
II. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s preparation: lesson plan, poster, cassette, tape.
2. Students’ preparation: book, notebook, workbook.
III. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
SS’ activities
1. Organization: greeting, “Who’s absent today?”
2. Checking up + Warm up :
- Ask 2 ss to practice: “Will you come to my party?”
- Correct and give ss marks.
A- The dates of a month .
a) Listen and repeat :
- From 1st to 31st 
- Play the tape 3 times.
b) Listen and write :
- T has a poster of the dates.
- T plays the tape.
- T corrects gets feedback :
the first of July
the nineteenth
the sixth
the fourteenth
the seventeenth
B- The names of the month in a year :
 1. January 5. May 9. September
 2. February 6. June 10. October
 3. March 7. July 11. November
 4. April 8. August 12. December
- T rubs out some months.
- T corrects.
C- Play with words : 
- T reads first :
September / April / June / November : 30 days
February: 28 or 29 days.
January / March / May / July / August / October / December : 31 days 
IV- Consolidation:
-T retells the dates of a month and the names of the months in a year.
V- Homework :
- Learn by heart the dates; the names of the months in a year.
- Do the exercises 1, 2, 3 – P.10 , 11 in workbook.
- Greeting
- Work in pairs
- Listen and repeat in chorally
- Copy down.
- Listen and write the dates
-Work individually.
- Write the names of the months in order.
- Read aloud in chorally.
- Try to remember and write the rubbed words
- Work individually.
- Listen 
- Read aloud.
Repeat & remember.
- Some Ss retell the main points of this lesson.
Copy down homework. 
Comment after the lesson:
Date of preparing: 
Date of teaching:
Period 10
Unit 2: personal information
Lesson 5: B 3, 4. My birthday
I .The aims and requests:
Help ss how to say the date of birth.
After the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about the date of birth fluently and they continue to practice the simple future tense.
Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
II. Preparation:
1. Teacher’s preparation: textbook, pictures, sub- board, Radio, CD.
2. Students’ preparation: book, notebook, workbook.
 III. Procedures:
1. Organization (1’): Greetings and checking attendance
 2. Checking up (4’): ask ss to say about ordinal numbers, names of the months.
 -Teacher corrects and gives them marks.
3- New lesson: 
T’s Activities 
Ss’ Activities
A. Warm up ( 6’ ):
- Greetings.
-Have Ss play a game called Lucky numbers.
1) What’s your family name?
2) How old are you?
3) LN
4) What’s your address?
5) What’s your telephone number?
6) What’s your date of birth?
7) LN
8) Who do you live with?
9) How old will you be on your next birthday?
10) LN
- Remark and lead in new lesson.
B. New activities ( 31’)
a) Listen. Then practice with a partner.
- Ask Ss to look at the picture about Mr. Tan and Hoa. Then ask ss to guess what Mr. Tan is asking Hoa.
- Call on some ss to answer. 
- Ask ss to listen to the tape and give the information.
- Explain some new words:
+ Nervous ( adj) : lo lắng , bồn chồn (explanation)
+ To worry(v) : lo lắng ( example)
+ Worried ( adj ) : lo lắng
- Ask ss to read in chorus and individually.
Checking: What and where.
- Play the tape for ss to listen again.
- Ask ss to read the dialogue in pairs.
- Call on some pairs to read in front of the class.
- Correct their pronunciation.
- Ask ss to look at the questions and work in pairs.
- Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering in front of the class.
- Call on one student to go to the board and write the answers.
- Correct and ask ss to copy down.
* About you:
- Ask a student some questions in part about you.
- Ask ss to work in pairs.
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class.
b) Read the dialogue again. Then complete this form.
- Ask ss to read the dialogue again and complete the form.
- Ask ss to exchange the result with the partner.
- Ask ss to work in pairs asking and answering about the information in the form.
- Correct and ask ss to complete the form in the notebooks.
4.Consolidation( 2’): 
- Retell the content of the dialogue
5. Homework(1’):
- Learn by heart new words by writing 3 lines for each.
- Do exercise 3,4 at page 11 in workbook.
- Greetings.
- Play a game in 2 groups.
-Answer the questions.
- Listen.
- Look at the picture and guess.
- Answer.
- Give the information:
+ Name.
+ Date of birth.
+ Address
+ Telephone number.
- Listen and repeat in chorus and individually.
- Copy down.
- Work individually.
- Play a game.
- Listen to the tape.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Write the answers on the board.
- Copy down.
- Answer T’s questions.
- Work in pairs.
- Read the dialogue again.
- Complete the form.
- Exchange the result with the partner.
- Work in pairs.
- Practice in front of the class.
- Two ss to ask and answer in front of the class.
- Copy down.
- Retell the main points of this lesson.
- Copy down homework.
Comment after the lesson:
Week 4
Date of preparing: .. 
Date of teaching: 
Period 11
Unit 2: personal information
Lesson 6: b 6, 7. My birthday
I. The aims and requests:
 - Help ss how to write an invitation card for a birthday party.
 - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an invitation card for a birthday party. They will use the dates of the month fluently. 
 - Develop 4 skills: listening, speaking and writing. 
II. Preparation:
T’ preparation: lesson plan , pictures, cards
Ss’ preparation: book, notebook, workbook.
III. Procedures:
 1. Organization (1’): Greeting. Who’s absent today?
 2. Checking –up + warm up: (7’)
 * Aks 2 ss to aks and answer about their date of birth.
 - T corrects and gives marks. 
* Warm up :
 - Ask ss to play a game : Networks
Things to buy
on birthday
- Call on 2 ss from 2 groups to go to the board and write.
- Remark and lead in new lesson.
* New lesson:
A. Vocabulary: (7’)
 * T presents some new words:
- birthday party: tiệc sinh nhật ( picture ) 
- to invite (v) : mời ( situation )
- invitation card (n ): thiệp mời ( realia )
- to finish (v) = to end ( synonym )
- to join (v) = to take part in ( synonym )
- fun ( n) : sự vui vẽ cuộc vui ( translation)
* Checking: Rub out and remember.
B. Pre – writing: (5’)
- Ask ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions:
+ What is Lan doing?
+ What are they doing in the picture?
-T gets feedback.
C. While- writing:(15’)
1- Ask ss to read the text about Lan and find out the answers to the question:
+ How old is she now?
+ Where does she live?
+ When is her birthday?
+ When will the party start and finish?
- Call on some ss to

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  • docxgiao_an_mon_tieng_anh_lop_7_vo_thi_phan.docx