Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 6: Our tet holiday - Lesson 1: Getting Started Hayppy new year

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 - Unit 6: Our tet holiday - Lesson 1: Getting Started Hayppy new year

I. LEARNING OUTCOME : By the end of the lesson, Students will have

 + used the lexical items related to “Tet”;

+ used the vocabulary and structures to describe things and activities at Tet.

1. Knowledge:

 *Grammar: The simple present; should/shouldn't for advicee

* Vocabulary: things and activivities at Tet

 ( to celebratee, to decorate, family garthering, lucky money)

2. Skills: listening, speaking and reading

3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner, love the traditional Tet festival of VN

II. TEACHING AIDS : Textbook. Pictures. CD


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Date of planning: 	 Week: 	Period: 
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 1: Getting Started - Happy new year!
I. LEARNING OUTCOME : By the end of the lesson, Students will have
	+ used the lexical items related to “Tet”;
+ used the vocabulary and structures to describe things and activities at Tet.
1. Knowledge: 
 *Grammar: The simple present; should/shouldn't for advicee
* Vocabulary: things and activivities at Tet 
 ( to celebratee, to decorate, family garthering, lucky money)
2. Skills: listening, speaking and reading
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner, love the traditional Tet festival of VN
II. TEACHING AIDS :	Textbook. Pictures. CD
I/ Warm-up
1. Net words
2. Lead in
1/ Activity 1: Listen and read
* Vocabulary:
celebrate (v): [definition] [picture]
decorate (v): [definition] [picture]
family gathering 
(N. phr.): [definition] [picture]
lucky money (N. phr.): [picture]
family gathering
 lucky money
* Role play
2/ Activity 2: What are Linda and Phong talking about
Answer Key: B
3/ Activity 3: Complete the sentences about Tet with the information from the conversation in 1. (p. 59)
1. January 	2. homes
3. gatherings	4. lucky money
5. break
 4/ Activity 4: . Match the words/ phrases in the box with the pictures
Answer key:
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d
5/ Activity 5: Game: Is it about Tet ? 
Student: banh chung
Class: It's about Tet
Student: flying a kite
Class: It's not about Tet
III/ Homework : 
-Learn vocabulary at home and add 5 more words about Tet.
- T writes the word TET on the board and ask students to give any words relating to the topic.
T may allow students to give a Vietnamese word and asks other students in the class if they know the equivalent in English. 
- T asks Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the picture. 
- T asks them some questions like:
 What do you think they are talking about?
 When is Tet?
 Is it a holiday? 
What do we do at Tet? 
- T encourages Ss to give their answers, but do not confirm whether their answers are right or wrong.
-T plays the recording twice for Ss to listen and read along. Have Ss underline the words that are related to the topic of the unit while they are listening and reading.
-Vocab preteach:
T introduces the vocabulary by:
+ showing the pictures illustrating the words;
+ providing the synonym or antonym of the words.
+ providing the definition of the words.
- T has Ss say the words in the text that they think are related to the topic Tet. Quickly write the words on one part of the board.
- T invites some pairs of Ss to read the conversation aloud. 
- T asks Ss what exactly Phong and Linda are talking about. Have them read the three options carefully and see the difference among them.
 - T confirms the correct answer. (They are talking about Tet in Viet Nam.)
- T asks students to work independently to fill each blank with the word(s) from the conversation. 
- T may instruct them how to do the exercise and model with the first sentence. 
E.x.: In sentence 1, we need to fill the time of Tet this year; 
- T lets students look at the pictures first to see if they know the English words for them. 
- T allows students to read the words / phrases in the box and do the matching.
- Ss do the task individually
- Ss compare with friends
- T gives feedback
- T asks Ss to read the instructions and the example. 
- T demonstrates the game by saying a word / phrase and asks if it's related to Tet or not.
- T has Ss write down two things / activities. Go round and help if needed. 
-T calls on some Ss to stand up and read their words. The class listens and says if it's related to Tet or not
-Ss take notes
- To arouse Ss’ interest
- To introduce the topic of the unit
- To set the scene and begin the new teaching material
- To help ss understand the lesson
- To help ss understand important phrases
- To help Ss get the main idea of the text.
- To help 5s scan the text for the information to fill the blanks.
- Further practice
- To develop Ss knowledge of the vocabulary relating to Tet.
- To allow Ss opportunities to recognise what is related to Tet through a fun game
- To help ss how to study and prepare lesson at home
Date of planning: 	 Week: 	Period: 
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1
I. LEARNING OUTCOME: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
extend and practice vocabulary related to "Tet": things, activities and practices;
- pronounce and recognize the sounds /s/ and /∫/.
1. Knowledge: 
 *Vocabulary: things and activities at Tet
 *Pronunciation: recognize the sounds /s/ and /∫/
2. Skills: listening, speaking and reading.
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner.
II. TEACHING AIDS :Textbook, pictures, CD.
1/ Game - Name the pictures:
special food
2/ Lead in 
1/ Activity 1
Task 2: Match the verbs with the nouns. (p. 60)
Answer key:
1. f (have fun) 
2. e (visit relatives) 
3.d (give lucky money)
4. a (make a wish) 
5. c (clean the furniture) 
6. b (watch fireworks)
2/ Activity 2
Task 3: Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (p. 60)
Answer key:
1. celebrate 
2. peach 
3. clean 
4. shopping 
5. food
 /s/ and /∫/
Suggested answers:
/s/: see, sun, say, swim, 
/∫/: show, should, shower, wash, 
4/ Activity 3
Task 4: Listen and repeat the words. (p. 60)
5/ Activity 4 
Task 5: Listen and repeat the poem. Pay attention to the sounds /s/ and /ʃ/ in the underlined words. (p. 60)
Audio script:
Spring is coming!
Tet is coming!
She sells peach flowers.
Her cheeks shine.
Her eyes smile.
Her smile is shy.
She sells peach flowers.
III. Homework: 
* Find the words
- Do the exercises in the workbook.
- Practice the pronunciation: /b/ and /p/ more at home.
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 3- Lesson 3- A closer look 2
T divides students into 4 groups.
T gives 5 words/ phrases in random order on the board: 
furniture - fireworks - fun - special food - wish
Then T shows pictures one by one and asks Ss to raise hands to give the correct words and their spelling.
The group raising their hands the fastest will get the chance to answer first.
T gives 10 points for the group that gives the correct answers. 
The group getting the highest points will be the winner.
T tells the Ss to look at the word and phrase and pay attention at the sound /s/ and /∫/: wish /wɪʃ/ and special food /ˈspeʃl fuːd/.
- T leads Ss into the lesson by telling them that “In today lesson, we are going to learn more words and phrases to talk about Tet activities and two sounds /s/ and /∫/.”
- T leads Ss into the lesson by telling them that “In today lesson, we are going to learn more words and phrases to talk about Tet activities and two sounds /s/ and /∫/.”
T explains to Ss that some verbs and nouns goes together and some don’t, e.g. plant / decorate + a tree, but not cook + a tree. 
T writes a verb on the board (e.g. read) and asks Ss to match the verb with as many nouns as they can find (e.g. read a book / novel / magazine / story / etc.)
T asks Ss to look at the verbs in the verbs box first and see what nouns in the Nouns box they can go with.
T asks Ss to do the matching independently. Then T allows them to share with their partner.
T checks the answers as a class.
T asks Ss to work independently or in pairs.
T encourages them to read the sentences carefully and look for clues so that they can choose the right word to complete each sentence. E.g. In sentence 1, we need a verb after the subject we. We have two verbs in the box, clean and celebrate. Only celebrate can go with Tet. So the correct word is celebrate.
T checks the answers as a class. 
T may call on some Ss to read the sentences aloud.
T introduces 2 sounds /s/ and /∫/ to Ss and lets them watch a video about how to pronounce these two sounds.
T asks Ss to give some words containing these sounds.
T may write two Vietnamese words on the board first, e.g. xách and sách. 
T asks Ss to say the words aloud and draw their attention to the difference in the pronunciation of x 
and s. 
T writes the words see and she under the words xách and sách and read aloud the four words. 
T lets Ss elicit the difference in the two sounds /s/ and /∫/ in English.
T has some Ss read out the words first. Then play the recording and ask students to listen and repeat.
T plays the recording as many times as necessary. 
- T calls on some Ss to check.
T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the poem. Then play the recording again for them to listen and repeat.
T asks Ss some time to practise reading the poem among themselves. 
Ask them to pay attention to the underlined words with the /s/ and /∫/ sounds. Go around and correct pronunciation if needed.
- T asks for some volunteers to stand up and read the poem aloud.
- T asks Ss to find the words that haven’t been mentioned in the lesson with the sound /s/ and /∫/. After that Ss write them down and practice pronouncing the words.
- Ss listen and take notes.
- To activate Ss’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the topic, the targeted vocabularies and its pronunciation.
- To lead in the lesson about vocabulary and pronunciation.
- To teach Ss how to combine a verb with a noun to talk about Tet activities.
- To revise the words learnt in context.
- To help Ss identify how to pronounce the sounds /s/ and /∫/ and practise pronouncing these
sounds in words.
- To help Ss pronounce the sounds /s/ and /∫/ correctly in context.
- To revise what they have learnt.
- To help Ss know what they have to do at home
Date of planning: 	 Week: 	Period: 
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2
I. LEARNING OUTCOME: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
use should and shouldn’t to make advice;
- use some and any to talk about quantity.
1. Knowledge: 
*Grammar: should and shouldn’t
 	some and any
2. Skills: Writing, speaking.
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner.
II. TEACHING AIDS :Textbook, pictures, CD.
I. Warm up: 
1/ Matching 
 special food
Suggested answers:
There are fireworks.
There are spring rolls.
2/ Activity 1
Talk about the things we think that it’s right or wrong.
* E.g.: 
1. visit relatives
2. give lucky money
3. make a wish
* E.g.: “We should visit relatives at Tet.”
3/ Lead in 
* should or shouldn’t for advice 
- We use should for things that are good to do.
- We use shouldn’t for things that are not good to do. 
e.g. Where are they? Why is Nam wearing a raincoat? What will happen if Nam comes into the kitchen with his raincoat still on?
* some and any 
Some: positive
(+) My mother bought some fruits.
(+) I need some milk for the cake. 
Any: negative or question 
(-) I can’t answer any questions.
(?) Do you have any sugar?
1/ Activity 1
Task 1: Look at the signs at the library and complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t. (p. 61)
Answer key: 
1. should 
2. shouldn’t 
3. should 
4. shouldn’t
2/ Activity 2
Task 2: Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the ones they shouldn’t. (p. 61)
Suggested answer:
1. ü 2. × 3. ü 4. × 5. ü 6. ü 
7. × 8. ×
3/ Activity 3
Task 3: Tick the activities children should do at Tet and cross the ones they shouldn’t do. (p. 61)
- Children should behave well.
- Children shouldn’t eat lots of sweets. 
4/ Activity 4
Task 4: Complete the sentences with some and any.(p.62)
Answer key:
1. some, some 
2. any, any 	
3. any, some
5/ Avtivity 5
Task 5: Game – What’s there in the fridge? 
Suggested answers:
1. There are some eggs (in the fridge).
2. There is some fruit juice./ There are some packs of fruit juice.
3. There are not any apples.
4. There is not any bread.
5. There are some bananas.
6. There is some cheese.
III. Homework
Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare Unit 3 - Lesson 4 Communication
T shows the pictures from the last lesson to revise the words that Ss have learnt. 
T asks Ss to match the picstures with the words. 
Ss match in 2 minutes.
T calls some Ss to say the answer.
T checks the answers with 
Then T asks Ss to make sentences with 
There is / There are.
T can explicit the targeted grammar by saying: “We can add some or any into these sentences.” and then say some examples.
T asks Ss about some activities the Ss learned in the last lesson.
- Then T can say: “We can add should and shouldn’t when we talk about the things we think that it’s right or wrong.
- T leads Ss into the lesson by telling them that “In today lesson, we are going to learn more about how to use “should/ shouldn’t” and “some/ any.”
- T asks Ss to look at the picture and asks them some questions to exploit the situation leading to the use of should / shouldn’t.
Then writes the mother’s saying on the board and underlines the word shouldn’t.
T writes In the classroom on the board. 
T sticks pieces of paper with the words run, keep quiet, make noise, etc. below it and ask Ss for simply Yes (to show it can be done in the classroom) or No if not. If the answer is Yes, tick the word. If No, cross the word. Keep them on the board for later use.
T asks Ss to read the yellow grammar box.
T tells them to pay attention to the phrases in bold in the sentences to see how some and any are used differently (positive, negative, and question).
- T reminds them that some and any can be used with both countable/ uncountable nouns. When they go with countable nouns, the nouns are always in plural.
T writes the word LIBRARY on the board and asks Ss to say what they should/ shouldn’t do when they are in a library.
Tthen asks Ss to look at the four signs In the library and lets them complete the sentences. 
T asks them to swap their answers with a partner.
T calls Ss to read aloud the sentences and checks their answers as a class.
If there is still time, T asks Ss to refer to the notes of In the classroom on the board and practise saying the sentences with should/ shouldn’t.
- T asks Ss to look at Remember! box and allow them one minute to memorise it.
T asks Ss to look at the pictures and read the phrases under the pictures. 
T then ticks (it’s good) or cross (it’s not good) each picture. The pictures help make the meanings of the phrases clear.
T checks the answers as a class.
This activity allows Ss to produce sentences with the target language of should / shouldn’t, using the prompts in Task 2.
T asks Ss to use the tick and cross for each activity in Task 2 and the examples on the board to help.
T goes round and gives help if needed. 
T makes sure Ss combine should/ shouldn’t and the main verb correctly.
T makes sure they pronounce the words should and shouldn’t correctly too.
- T checks the answers as a class.
Tr applies the rules in the box. 
T asks Ss to look for clues (+ or 
(“- / ?” sentences) and decides whether to use some or any.
T checks their answers as a class and explain the choice.
T divides the class into 4 groups.
T asks Ss to look at the fridge and read the example. 
T draws Ss’ attention to the change of the verb be in the use with some or any (in the examples).
T reads out loud the things in the fridge, and also the things that aren’t in the fridge (to practice negative form). The team which raise their hands the fastest will get the chance to answer. 
- Ss take notes
- To activate Ss’ prior knowledge and vocabulary related to the targeted grammar and to increase students interest.
- To introduce targeted grammar of “should / shouldn’t” and “some / any”.
- To give Ss more opportunities to practise the use of should / shouldn’t in real context.
- To help Ss see what activity is good / not good to be done at Tet.
- To help Ss form sentences using should/ shouldn’t.
- To give Ss some controlled practice on the use of some/ any.
- To give Ss much freer practice with some/ any in real context.
- To help Ss know what they have to do at home.
Date of planning: 	 Week: 	Period: 
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 4: Communication – Everyday English
I. LEARNING OUTCOME: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
introduce New Year’s wishes;
- introduce students to some New Year’s practices in other countries.
1. Knowledge: 
*Vocabulary: things and activities at Tet, New Year’s wishes
2. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing
3. Attitude: To teach Ss to work hard, love their friends.
II. TEACHING AIDS :Textbook, pictures, CD.
I. Warm up: 
1/ Matching
Suggested answers:
2/ Lead in
1/ Activity 1: Listen and read the New Year’s wish.
è Students come up with the patterns: 
Wishing you/ I wish you + noun/ noun phrase.
2/ Activity 2: Practise saying New Year’s wishes to your friends, using the suggestions below or creating your own.
EX: We have happy days from January to December.
 We have a life full of happy moments. 
3/ Activity 3: Match the sentences with the pictures. Then match them with the countries.
1. They go to Times Square to watch the New Year’s Wve Ball drop.
2. They bathe in an ice hole.
3. They eat mochi rice cakes.
4. They throw water on other people.
Answer key: 
1 - b- the USA 
2 - c - the Russia 
3 - a - Japan 
4 - d - Thailand
4/ Activity 4: Read how people in different countries celebrate their New Year. Then match the countries with the activities.
Answer key: 
1 – b: Japan – ring bells 108 times
2 – a: Spain – put 12 grapes in the mouth
3 – e: Switzerland – drop ice cream on the floor 
4 – c: Romania – throw coins into a river
5 – d: Thailand – throw water on other people
5/ Activity 5: Work in groups. Each student chooses one activity from 4. Take turns to say them aloud. The group says which country he/ she is talking about.
-They put 12 grapes in the mouth. 
 -> It’s Spain. 
 - They ring bells 108 times. 
 - >It’s Japan. 
 - They throw coins into a river. 
 -> It’s Romania. 
 - They drop ice cream on the floor. 
 -> It’s Switzerland. 
III/ Homework : 
-Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare Unit 6 - Lesson 5 Skills 1
T shows Ss the flags of five countries and asks Ss to match the names of the countries with the flags. 
T asks Ss how people wish others on New Year holiday. 
- T sums up some common wishes.
T turns on the audio, Ss listen and read the New Year’s wish.
T asks Ss can they add some more wishes.
Ss work in groups and say New Year’s wishes.
- T calls on some Ss to say the wishes aloud.
T lets Ss read sentences first. 
T explains new words if they don’t know. (hole, throw water)
T asks Ss to look at the pictures and do the matching.
T checks their answers as a class.
T then moves on to the next part, asks Ss if they know which country each practice is from. 
T asks Ss to look at the names of the countries and do the matching. 
- T checks answer as a class.
T allows Ss some time to read the New Year’s practices in five countries and do the matching.
T checks their answers as a class, asks Ss to read aloud the sentences that support their answers.
- T asks Ss to underline all the activities they find in the passages. è Students memorize the key words to help them talk.
- T calls on Ss and ask them to describe the activities they have chosen to the group. 
- The group/ The class gives the name of the country.
- Sstake notes
- To introduce the topic.
- To lead in the lesson about vocabulary and pronunciation.
- Introduce New Year’s wishes. 
- To practice saying New Year’s wishes.
- Introduce some New Year’s practices to Ss.
- To help Ss know what they have to do at home.
Date of planning: 	 Week: 	Period: 
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 5: Skill 1
I. LEARNING OUTCOME: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
+ read for general and specific information about New Year
+ Talk about what children should/ should not do at Tet 
1. Knowledge: 
+ Should/ shouldn't for advice 
+ Some/ any for amount
 * Vocabulary: Things and activites related to the topic Tet holiday in Viet Nam.
2. Skills: reading and speaking .
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner.
II. TEACHING AIDS :Textbook, pictures, CD.
I/ Warmer 
1. Brainstorm: 
Things to do at Tet.
Decorating the house
2. Lead-in 
II/. SKILL 1: 
* Pre- teach vocabulary
- welcome (v) chào đón
- light up (v) làm sáng lên
- customs (n) phong tục
- strike (v) gõ
- cry sound (c/n) tiếng khóc
* Rub out and Remember
1/ Activity 1: Read the passage and decide who says sentences 1-5
Russ	 B. Wu C. Mai
1. Dogs are lucky animals.
2. We welcome the New Year at Times Square.
3. Children get lucky money.
4. We give rice to wish for enough food.
5. Children dress beautifully.
Key : 
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
2/ Activity 2: Tick (✓) the things which appear in the passages and cross (x) the ones which don't.
lucky money
a day full of fun
a cat’s cry
d.decorating the house
e. fireworks
f. saying wishes
g. cheering and singing
h.visiting relatives
Key : 
✓: a, b, c, e, f, g.
x : d, h
3/ Activity 3: Work in groups. These are some activities from the reading passages in 1 . Tell your group if you do them during Tet
St 4
watch fireworks
sing when 
get lucky 
go out and 
buy salt 
4/ Activity 4: Work in groups. Read the list and discuss what you should or shouldn't do at Tet.
A. We should dress beautifully at Tet.
B. I agree. Should we ask for lucky money?
A. No, we shouldn’t
III/ Homework : 
- Learn vocabulary at home and add 3 more activites at Tet.
- Do exercises in your work book.
- T draw the circle with an example on the board.
- T asks Ss to think of what they do at Tet
- T delivers poster to Ss, dividing them into 4 groups
- T tells Ss to put the posters on the board affter they finish and the team having the most good ideas is the winner.
- T gives feedback
- T chats with one Student: What do you do at Tet?
 Now open the book. How many people are there in the passage? Let’s read to see if they do the same activites as yours
- T uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, mime, translation .....)
- Ss repeat in chorus and individually
- Ss take note all the new words
- T checks vocabulary
- T ask Ss to look at the pictures so that they can focus on the countries they are going to read. T asks if Ss know how these countries celebrate the New Year.
- T has Ss read the passages and decide who says the sentences in pairs. 
- Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.
- T encourages Ss to mark where the information for each answer appears in the passages.
- Check the answers as a class.
- T asks Ss to do the exercise without looking back at the passages individually and see how many questions Ss answer correctly. Then T has Ss refer to the passages and check their answers. 
- Ss compare the answers with partners
- T asks Ss to show the evidence to support their answers. 
- Ts checks their answers as a class. 
- T asks Ss to make a survey about what they do (✓)/ don't do (x) during Tet in groups of 4.
- Ts calls on some Ss to report the results to the class.
- T goes round and offer help if necessary.
- T checks and confirms the correct answers
- Ss take notes
- T allows Ss some time to read the phrases, discuss and make their decisions by ticking or crossing each activity. 
- T encourages Ss to think of the reasons for their choice.
- T has Ss talk in their groups and encourage responses from others with I agree; Yes, we should or I don't think so.
- Call on some Ss to share their opinions with the class using should / shouldn't. 
- T gives feedback
- Ss copy down
- SS take notes
- To arouse Ss’ interest
To help ss revise vocabulary 
- To set the scene and begin the new teaching material
- Provide Ss some vocabulary for their reading.
- Check Ss’ memory
- To help Ss broaden and deepen their knowledge about New Year.
- To help Ss test their memory
- To help ss practice using vocabulary
- To help Ss express their own what children should / shouldn't do at Tet.
- To help ss how to study and prepare lesson at home
Date of planning: 	 Week: 	Period: 
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 6: Skill 2
I. LEARNING OUTCOME: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to pratice listening and writing an email about Tet holiday. 
1. Knowledge: 
+ Should/ shouldn't for advice 
+ Some/ any for amount
 * Vocabulary: Things and activites related to the topic Tet holiday in Viet Nam.
2. Skills: reading and speaking .
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner.
II. TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, CD.
I/ Warmer 
1. Chain game: 
Tet is coming and we do a lot of things before Tet. First, we .
2. Lead-in 
1/ Activity 1: Nguyen is writing to his penfriend Tom 
About how his family prepare for Tet. Listen and Tick (✓) the things you hear.
Key : 
old things, peach flowers, new clothes, wishes
2/ Activity 2: Listen again and answer the questions in one or two words.
Key : 1. Old things	
(Their) houses 	
3. Red
4. (His) father	
5. Anything.
3/ Activity 3: Work in groups. Discuss and make a list of four things that you think chldren should and shouldn’t do at Tet.
4/ Activity 4: Complete the email. using ideas in 3
III/ Homework : 
- Finish writing at home.
- Do exercises in your work book.
- T organizes students' desks into four or five rows.
- T gives a paper sheet to the first student in each row 
- T instructs them to write one sentence. The sentence can begin with “Tet is coming and we do a lot of things before Tet. First, we .”. When the first student in each row is finished writing, he or she should pass the paper to the next student in the row until they reach the last student in each row.
- T invites the last student in each row to read the sentences on the paper aloud.
- T gives feedback
- T chats with student: There is also a family who prepare for Tet. Let’s take a look at activity 1 and 2
- T asks the Ss to read aloud the instruction and the list of words
- T plays the recording twice and ask ss to tick the answers. 
- T checks their answers as a class.
- T asks Ss to read the statements, underline key words and make prediction.
- T plays the recording for Ss to answer the questions
- SS compare with friends.
- T asks Ss to show the evidence to support their answers. 
- Ts checks their answers as a class. 
- T asks Ss to make a survey about what the children should/ shouldn't do at Tet
- Ts calls on some Ss to report the results to the class.
- T goes round and offer help if necessary.
- T checks and confirms the answers
- T ask Ss to read what has been written in the incomplete email.
- T asks them to decide what will come in between the sentences.
- Have Ss work individually, referring to their notes in 3 to complete the email. Go round and offer help if needed.
- Ask one or two Ss to share their writing with the class. 
- T checks their writing.
- Ss liten and take notes.
- To arouse Ss’ interest
To help ss revise vocabulary 
- To set the scene and begin the new teaching material
- To help ss practice
- To help ss understand the listening
- To help ss practice using vocabulary
- To help ss how to study and prepare lesson at home
Date of planning: 	 Week: 	Period: 
Date of teaching: 
Lesson 7: Looking Back
LEARNING OUTCOME: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to 
- consolidate and apply what they have learnt in the unit. 
- evaluate their performance and record their results for each exercise in order to identify the areas that need further review. 
1. Knowledge: 
+ Should/ shouldn't for advice 
+ Some/ any for amount
 * Vocabulary: the words related to the topic Tet holiday in Viet Nam.
2. Skills: reading.
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner.
II. TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures.
I/ Warmer “Stand up/ Sit down”
We should go to the pagoda to wish for luck.
 We shouldn’t ask for money on Tet holiday.
We should open the window to have some fresh air on the New Year’s Eve.
We shouldn't break anything because it brings bad luck.
 1/ Activity 1: Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.
 * Key: 1. d	 2. c	3. e	4. a	 5.b	 6. f
2/ Activity 2: Complete the sentences with words/ phrases in the box.
* Key:
1. lucky money 2. cleaning 3. Banh chung 4. peach 5. gathering
3/ Activity 3: Write full sentences using the cues given, and should or shouldn’t
* Suggested answers:
1. He/ She should ask for permisson before entering a room.
2. He/ She shouldn't run about the home.
3. He/ She shouldn't take things from

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_7_unit_6_our_tet_holiday_lesson_1_getting.doc