Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Bài 1: My hobbies (Chuẩn kiến thức)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Bài 1: My hobbies (Chuẩn kiến thức)

I. Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit.

1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a. Knowledge:

- Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.

- Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense.

 Verbs of liking + V-ing

b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c. Attitude: Ss know usefull hobbies.

2. Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self – learning capability

- Communicative competence

II. Preparation

1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.

2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.


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Period: 7
Lesson 5: Skill 2
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get specific information about a hobby and write a paragraph about a classmate’s hobby.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
- Grammar: 	The present simple and the future simple tense.
	Verbs of liking + V-ing
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Ss know usefull hobbies.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims:students can speak about your hobbies.
Class in the previous lesson , you read and talked about an unusual hobby. What is it ? ok 
Now, anseswer my question before we get to the lesson today.
There is one hobby that 
Helps to reduce the trash 
and also helps us follow 3Rs .
+ collecting glass bottles
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims:students can speak about your hobbies .
Chatting: T asks Ss if they know anything about collecting glass bottles and if they think it is useful. 
That’s right.
1. Do you know anything about collecting glass bottles? Doyou think it is a good hobby? Why? Why not?
I think collecting glass bottles is a good hobby because we can use it decorate our house or make souvenirs from them and contributes to saving the environment.
*New word.
-contributes (n) góp phần
Aims: students can listen to an interview about hobbies to complete a word web
- T tells Ss that they are going to listen to an interview about Mi’s hobby.
- Ss read through the word web. Have them guess the word to fill each blank and write their guesses on the board.
- T Plays the recording. Asks Ss to complete the word web.
- T allows Ss share their answers before listening to the recording a final time to check.
- T asks for Ss’ answers and write them on the board next to their Mi’s hobby:
1. Name of the hobby
2. Started
3. Person who shares the hobby with Mi:
4. To do this hobby you have to:
a, collect bottles after use+ get them from..
b, Make .vases .or 
c, use them as ..decorations
5. Feelings about the hobby.
2. Listen to an interview about hobbies 
* Key
1. collecting glass bottles.
2. two years ago.
3. mother
4. a, grandmother; 
 b, flower; lamps
 c, home
5. useful
6, continue the hobby
Aims: students can write a paragraph about a classmate’s hobby.
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and interview each other about their hobbies. 
- Asks to take notes on each other’s answers in the word web. 
- Some Ss present their friend’s answers for the class. (or write on the board).
3. Ask and answer questions about each others’ hobby.
1. Name of the hobby:
-> Swimming
2. When he/ she started the hobby?
-> 2 years ago / when he /she was a child.
3. Who he/ she shares it with?
-> Her mother.
4. To do this hobby you have to: 
-> Go to a swimming pool
5. Feelings about the hobby: 
-> Excing and relaxing
6. Future: 
-> Continue the hobby
Aims: students can write a paragraph about a classmate’s hobby.
- T asks Ss to write their paragraphs individually based on the information in their word webs. 
- T asks one student to write his/ her paragraph on the board.
- Ss comment on the paragraph on the board.
- Collect their writings to correct at home.
4. Write a paragraph about your classmate’s hobby .Start your paragraph as shown below:
 A is my classmate. His/ Her hobby is swimming , he /se started his hobby when he/se was a child. He/ she usually goes swimming wih his/her mother . He/she had to practice swimming for this hobby. He /she finds this hobby relax. In the future he /she ‘ll go swimming more.
3. Consolidation 4’
Tell about your classmate’s hobby. 
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 8
Lesson 7: Looking Back and project
I. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: the items related to hobbies.
- Grammar: The present simple and the future simple tense.
	 	Verbs of liking + V-ing
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Ss know usefull hobbies.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Chatting: We are going to to review some vocabulary .
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims: Tell types of hobby.
- T tells Ss to complete the sentences.
- T has Ss to compare their answers with a partner.
- Ss give answers on the board.
- T checks and confirms the correct answers.
- Ask Ss read sentences out loud.
1. Complete the sentences with appropriate hobbies.
Collecting Bird-watching
Playing board games Arranging flowers
Making pottery Dancing 
Aims: Ss can use of the action verbs to talk about many didderent hobbies.
 - T has Ss to do this activity individually.
- Ss compare their answers with a partner.
- T checks and then confirms the correct answers.
2. Put one verb from the box in each blank. Use the correct form of the verb.
1. listens 2. go
3. plays 4. read
5. do 6. collect
Aims: Ss can describe types of hobby.
 - Ss do this activity in pairs. 
- T allows them 5 minutes to add as many hobbies to the table as possible. It can be a competition. The pair with the most hobbies wins and goes to the board to write down their answers.
- T gives feedback.
3. Add hobbies to each of the following lists.
Easy hobbies
Difficult hobbies
Collecting label.
Collecting leaves
Playing board games
Cheap hobbies
Expensive hobbies
Collecting used books
Collecting leaves
Collecting cars
Taking pictures
Aims: Ss can Use the present simple or future and verbs of liking + V-ingto talk about hobbies.
.- Ss do this exercise individually then compare their answers with a partner.
- T calls on some Ss to give the answers. Confirms the correct answers and write them on the board.
4. Use the present simple or future simple form of each verb in brackets to complete the passage.
1. Have 2. Likes
3. Plays 4. Doesn’t like
5. Enjoys 6. Walks
7. Will join 8. Loves
9. Don’t like 10. Will read
Aims: Ss can write about someone,s hobby.
- Ss do this exercise individually then compare their sentences with a partner. Some Ss write their sentences on the board. – T gives feedback.
5. Write true sentences about yourself
(Students’ answers)
1. I like phaying football. 2. I enjoy 
3. I love 4. I don’t like 
5. I hate 
Aims: Ss can describe and give opinions about hobbies.
- Brainstorm interview questions on the board with the class .
- Ss work in pairs. One St interviews the other about his/her hobbies.
- Ask some pairs to act out the interview in front of the class. Vote for the best interview.
Ask Ss to complete the self-assesment. Identify any difficulties/ weak areas and provive further practice.
6. Role play
Work in pairs. Student A is a reporter. Student B is a famous person
E.g: A: I’m a reporter from a magazine. Can I ask you some questions about your hobbies?
B: Yes, of course
- Collage: is the art of making apicture by ticking pieces of colourd paper, cloth, or photographs onto a surface. It can also a picture that you make by doing this.
- Ask Ss to read the four instructions in the book
- Ss work at home.
*New worlds
-Hobby collage
- Glue - dán
- Briefly – vắn tắt
3. Consolidation 4’
Guide Ss to do part 
Hobby collage
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 9
Lesson 1: Getting Started – Going out, or staying in?
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about health issues and give advice on healthy living; use “have a/an; feel” to talk about health problems 
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues.
- Grammar: 	- Imperatives with more and less
	- Compound sentences
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Ss know how to care of yourself.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Brainstorming: Teacher writes the word ‘HEALTH’ on the board and askes Ss to call out words related to health. If the class is advanced, the teacher can make two lists on the board, healthy & unhealthy, Ss can brainstorm words related to each list.
 Strong sick
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims: Help Ss read the test quickly get information to do the the exercises.
- T presents new words.
- T guides Ss to read new words.
- T asks Ss to guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about.
- T asks Ss questions about the picture.
- Play the dialogue and has Ss follow along. Ss may track the dialogue with their fingers as they listen to the recording.
• What can you see in the picture?
• What time is it?
• What do you think the people in the picture are talking about?
• Who do you think is healthier?
Ss answer the question. 
a. - T Asks Ss to complete the task individually or in pairs.
- T can check answers and ask Ss to use each item in a sentence.
b. T asks Ss to read the conversation again and complete the table. 
- T may write the table on the board while Ss are working individually, then corrects the exercise as a class by asking Ss to come to the board and tick the correct column.
down (adj): buồn, thất vọng
junk food (n): đồ ăn nhanh, đồ ăn vặt
put on weight: tăng cân
flu (n): bệnh cúm
sunburn (n): bị cháy nắng
spots (n): mụn nhọt
allergy (n): dị ứng 
1. Listen and read
a. Can you find a word or phrase that mean: 
1. Zooniverse
2. I don’t feel like it
3. Sound down
4. Putting on weight
5. Won’t take no for an answer
b) Read the conversation again. Who wants to do the following things ?
1.stay at home
x computer games
3. go outside
4.go swimming
5.avoid getting sunburnt
Aims: Ss know the health problems with each picture .
 - T asks Ss to look at the pictures. 
- Ss can call out which word they think matches each picture.
- Ss write the words below each picture.
- T plays the recording and Ss repeat.
- T corrects the exercise with the whole class.
- T has Ss rank the health problems from the most common to the least common and share with a partner.
- Encourage Ss to give reasons for their ranking.
2.a Match the health problem in the bõ with the pictures. Then listen and repeat.
- sunburn (n) sự cháy nắng
Ex: We spent the day sunbathing and swimming.
- put on (v) = gain - lên (cân)
- put on weight - tăng cân
- allergy (n) - chứng dị ứng
1. e 2. f 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a
3b. Which problems do you think are the most common with your classmate?
- Rank the problems from the most common to the least common
Aims: Ss can give correct advice with each health problem.
- T asks one student to read through the list of advice aloud.
- Encourage Ss to mimic advice.
- Ss complete the matching individually.
- Ss give answers.
 - T corrects
3. There people have the wrong advice. Can you match the correct advice with each person.
1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a
Aims: Ss can give correct advice with each health problem.
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the questions.
- Correct their answers
4. Game: Take a card with a health problem or piece of advice.
Walk around and try to find the person with the card that matches yours.
A: I have spots.
B: Oh, I’m sorry. My advice is “ Wear a sun hat”/ Yes! My advice is “ Wash your face regularly”
3. Consolidation 4’
Ss play a game
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Week 3: ........................................................

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