Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tiết 1 đến 6

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tiết 1 đến 6



 By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:

+greet and reponding the greetings

+ introduce new friends using present simple tense.

+ understand some new words.

2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing

3.Attitudes: Students love works

4. Competence and quality:

 4.1. Competence:

 - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,

 - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.

 4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,


1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues

.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens

III. Procedures


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Week: 1
Period: 1
Preparation date:15/8/
 Teaching date : /8/ 
By the end of the lesson students will be to:
- Remember some main structures:Present simple ,present continous, future ,comparation that they had learnt in English 6.
-Check their knowledge after a summer vacation 
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson
4. Competence and quality:
	4.1. Competence:
	- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, 
	- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 
	4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, 
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
III. Procedures
Teacher’s and students’ activities
 1. Warm up: greeting and asking sts about health ,weather, and sts answer the teacher’s question.
-Good morning!
-Nice to meet you again.
-How are you?
-What did you do in the summer vacation?
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
*Review the simple present tense with to be 
-Ask them some question:
 How old are you? I am ten years old 
What does he do ? He is a student 
 Let ps remark the use of ‘to be”
*Review the simple present tense with ordinary verbs 
Give ps example and let them remark:
-I go to school every day
-He goes to school everyday 
What tense is used in the sentence?(present simple )
Teacher repeats the way to change in to negative and interrogative.
* Review the present continuous tense
Give the ps example and let them remark 
Ps remark and give the form
Let them make other example 
*Review the future tense with ‘tobe going to’’to talk about intention 
Give ps the examples and let ps remark and then give the form 
Have ps make ex with the structure 
*Review the comparation with short adjectives
Give ps the situation and let ps make sentence to compare 
Have them remark the sentences and give the form 
Let them give the ex 
3. Practice (Practice doing the exercises)
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
-Have the sts do some exercises (on the posters )
-Call some sts to check 
-Give them the correct answers 
4.Further practice(practice these structures and vocabulary they have learnt)
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
Have ps do the test 10( minutes )
Ex1.Em hãy chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc sau 
1. My brother( do) his homework in his room now. He( do) it every day
2. Nam and his friends( play) soccer present.They( play) it every afternoon
3.They (stay ) at home tomorrow 
4.My brother (watch) TV every day.
5.There (be) some bananas on the table.
Ex2:Điền đúng dạng so sánh của tính từ trong ngoặc vào ô trống
1.Ho chi minh city is (big).........than Ha noi.
2.Who is the (tall)..........student in your class 
3.The Mekong river is (long ).........than the Red river
Have the sts to: 
Make 2 sentences using the present simple ,2 sentences using present continuos
Prepare Unit 1 A1,3,4 (10)
 Good morning. 
Nice to meet you too. 
I’m fine ,thanks.
I went to HN with my parents.
1. Simple present tense:
a) Tobe: am, is, are.
 S + tobe + C
 She is a teacher.
 They are enginers 
b) Ordinary verbs:
S + V/ Vs/ V(es) + O
 I play football.
 I don’t play football 
 Does he play tennis ?
 2. Present continuous:
S + tobe + V + ing + O
Eg: We are eating sweets.
3.Future tense 
S+tobe going to + V (inf) + O
Eg:I am going to Hue next week 
4. Comparation:
*S 1 +tobe + adj + er + than +S2 
 She is taller than you.
*S + tobe + the + adj + est.
 She is the tallest.
Ex1; Put the verbs in to the correct form.
1. I (watch) ........TV.
2.She(play)plays ...............volleyball.
3.I (watch) am watching TV now 
4.She (have) is having dinner at ..
5.They(play)are playing soccer ..
Ex2;Make up comparative sentences.
1. Lan / tall / Hoa
Lan is taller than Hoa 
2. Me Kong River / long.
The me kong River is the longest.
III.Writtentest 15’
Answer keys:
Ex 1(7 m).is doing /does
2.are playing /play 
3.are going to stay 
Ex2 (3 m)
Bigger /tallest /longer 
IV .Home work 
Make 2 sentences using the present simple ,2 sentences using present continuos
Prepare Unit2 A1,3,4 (10)
Week: 1
Period: 2
Lesson1:A1,3-5 Friends
Preparation date:17/8/
 Teaching date : /8/ 
 By the end of the lesson , students will be able to: 
+greet and reponding the greetings 
+ introduce new friends using present simple tense.
+ understand some new words.
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3.Attitudes: Students love works
4. Competence and quality:
	4.1. Competence:
	- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, 
	- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 
	4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, 
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
III. Procedures
 T’s activities &sts’ activities 
 The content 
1.Warm up:
Introduce the topic of the lesson using questions and answers
-Asking sts some questions and let the sts answer .
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
Act1.Introduce the new words.
T uses some technique to present the new words: example ,translation 
Guide the sts to read the new words.
Cheching: Rub out and remember.
Act2.Present the greetings. 
-T let sts look at the picture and introduce the situation of the dialoguge a/b
Who is this ?(hoa /Ba /Nga )
What are they doing?(They are greeting)
-Guide sts to read the dialogue- sts read 
-Using the situation to present the greetings:
+What does Nga greet when she meet Ba again ?....How does Nam greet Hoa ?
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
Act1.Practice asking and answering the question in A1
+Have ps read the dialogue in ex A1 and answer the questionin pairs.
-Call some pair to check:
Act2.Practice the dialogue in A3.
T has sts look at the picture and 
 asks sts:What are they doing?
(They are greeting each other)
->Introduce the conversation is between Mr Tan , the teacher- and Nga , his student (sts listen )
-Have ps listen to the tape. 
-Let ps repeat some greetings and speak out the difference of the greetings .
-T explains the difference and the use of them 
-Have the sts read the dialogue in pairs 
-Call some pairs to check then correct.
4.Futher practice (practice listening and complete the dialogue using the greeting they have reviewed )
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
-Have the sts dothe matching to review the greeting.
-Let them listen and complete the dialogue.
-Call the sts to chech then correct.
* Strong students : Ask the ps to make similar dialogues using geeting they have learnt.
-Call the sts to check and correct their mistakes 
Have ps do the ex1, 2(3)(introduce the people in the picture)
Read the dialogue again . 
+Are you happy to be back again?
+Do you have any new friends?
+What do you say to your friends when you first meet after the summer holiday?
Answers :Yes ,I am 
 Yes, I have a new friend.
 Nice to meetyou again 
A1.Listen.Then practice with a partner.
1.New words:
Classmate (n) (example )bạn cùng lớp 
Meet (v) (trans)gặp 
Begin (v) (//)Bắt đầu 
- Greetings :- Nice to meet you . 
 - Nice to see you again .
- Introduction : - My name is Nam 
 - This is Nga ...
- Agreement : - I am in class 7A 
 - So am I / I am , too 
3.Answer the questions in A1(p10)
a. Her name is Hoa
b. She is in class 7A
c. Nam is also in class 7A
A3 : Listen then practice with a partner :
-good morning/good afternoon;
*How are you today?
 How are you?
’ Dùng để hỏi thăm sức khoẻ.
*How is everything?
’ Dựng để hỏi thăm t/hình của ai đó sau một thời gian không gặp.
+ The answers :
 Just fine: khá khoẻ
 Not bad: không tồi
 Pretty good: khá tốt
 OK. tốt
2.Practice reading (A3)
A4 : Listen then complete the dialogue 
- pretty good 
- How is everything?
- Nice to see you .
- Just fine .	
- Not bad 
- So am I / me too
- Không tồi 
- Tôi cũng vậy .
- Mọi việc vẫn ổn chứ? 
- Rất vui được gặp bạn 
- Khá tốt 
- khá khoẻ(được)
Answer keys:
a)How are you /pretty good
How about you?/not bad /me too 
b)How is every thing ?/ok 
How are you to day?/just fine /so am I.
Home work.
 Do the ex1, 2, 3 (introduce the people in the picture)
- Read the dialogue again 
Week: 1
Period: 3
Preparation date:18/8/
 Teaching date : /8/ 
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:
+read for detail about Hoa and ask and answer about her .
+ understand some new words in the reading text.
+ Listen and identify the greetings , the respondings .
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3.Attitudes: Students love lesson
4. Competence and quality:
	4.1. Competence:
	- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, 
	- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 
	4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, 
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
III. Procedures
 Teacher’s & Sts’ activities 
 The contents
1.Warm up 
Have ps do the game :Brainstorming
Ask the sts look at the picture and answer the questions about Hoa:
2- Pre-reading :
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
*introduce the situation of the text:
-> Hoa is a new student at HH school and she come from Hue. 
-Let the sts read the passage and hight light the new words.
*introduce some new words:
-T uses some techniques to teach the new words.
-Guide ps to read the words loudly 
Checking :ROR
* Revise the comparatives and some of indefinite quantifiers
-Help students to revise the use of comparatives and some of indefinite quantifiers( a lot of, lots of, many, any, a, an) Questions and answers: Why /because .
3- While reading (practice asking and answering the question in A2)
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
-Have students read the questions and answer them in pairs
-Call some pairs to ask and answer
-Give feedback and correct
4- Post reading
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
Act1.Checking the sts’s understanding .
-Have the sts read the text again and ask and answer the questions again.
-Strong students: have them write down and tell about their school.
Act2.Practice listening the greetings.
Have ps look at the picture and ask them:Who are they in the pictures?
What are they doing ?
-Let ps describe the picture (sts describe each picture)
-Set the scene:Listen to 4 conversations describing the pictures and mark the number in good order as converstions in the tape )
-Have sts quess first: (Sts speak out their guessing order )
-Play the tape and let ps listen 
-Call sts to check and 
Have ps make up similar dialogues
- Ask students to prepare part B 
-Do exercise A .3 in the workbook
(complete the conversations using the greetings they have learnt )
+How many schools are there in the picture?There are two 
+Which school is bigger?Hong ha school is bigger 
+Is Hoa a new student in HH school?
+Where is she from ?
+Which class is she in ?
I.A2) Read. Then answer the questions 
1.New words
+ different from... :khác(translation)
Eg: A table is different from a desk
 + unhappy( a) >< happy( a)(synonym)
 + miss( v)(translation)
+Her new school is bigger than her old school 
+Her new school has alot of students
+Why is Hoa unhappy ?
 Because she misses her parents and her friends.
3.Answer the questions in A2(p11)
a. She is from Hue
b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt in HN
c. No, she doesn’t
d. Her new school is bigger than her old school
e. Because she misses her parents and her friends
4.Write it up:
My old school has 8 classrooms and it has alot of students ..... 
II.A5 : Listen. Write the letter of the dialogue you hear 
Answer keys:
1.c; 2.b; 3.d; 4.a
A:Good morning,B
B: Good morning A,How are you ?
A:Fine, thanks
III.Home work.
 -Do exercise A .3 in the workbook
(complete the conversations using the greetings they have learnt )
Week: 2
Lesson 3: B1,2
Preparation date:22/8/
 Teaching date : /8/
By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
+ use ‘What is name ?,How old ?,where .live ?to ask and answer about one's information (name, age, address...)
+Introduce their new friends in the class 
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3.Attitudes: Students love works
4. Competence and quality:
	4.1. Competence:
	- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, 
	- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 
	4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, 
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
III. Procedures
T’s &sts’activities
 The contents.
1. Warm up.
a) Check the old lesson.
- Call sts to go to the board and do ex4 on page 4 in workbook
- Then teacher corrects and gives mark.=
b) Warmer:(Introduce the topic of the lesson )
- Get pupils to look at part B1 and answer some questions.
2. Presentation:
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
*Introduce new words 
- Teacher introduces some new words using example .
- What do you call this ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) in Vietnamese ?
- Teacher reads new words once. 
-Teacher guides pupils to read new words 
-Checking :ROR 
*present new strucures to ask and answer about one’s information. 
 -using situation to explain the structure :
-What’s your name ?
+How do you ask to know your family name ?
+review the structures to ask about personal information.
3. Practice. 
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
*Practice reading the dialogue to get the details.
- T reads part B1(15)and guides pupils to read.
- Get pupils to read the dialogue in pairs.
- Call some pairs to read loudly.
- Teacher corrects.
- Get them to read the dialogue again, and work in pairs to answers the questions, then compare with each other.
- Call some pupils to give the answer.
- Teacher corrects.
*practice asking and answering with the question words 
-T introduces:I’s a conversation between Nga and Lan, there is a lack of "wh - question". Now you complete the conversation by putting the "wh - question" in the right place. 
- Get sts to repeat the "wh - questions".
- Get sts to work in pairs to complete the dialogue
- Call some pairs to read the completed dialogue.- Then teacher corrects.
4.Further practice (Practice asking and answering about personal information )
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
- Teacher explains and guide sts to use these questions to ask and fill in the form 
+ What's your name?
+ How old are you?
+ Which class are you in?
+ Which school do you go to ?
+ Where do you live?
-Have the sts talk about themselve.
Ask the sts to do :
-Do ex1 (p 5)in the (Wb) Complete the dialogue )
-Ex 5(7) Write a short paragraph about yourselves using the question in the ex.
I.Warm up 
*Answer keys:
c.lots of 
*Questions and answers .
+Who are in the picture ?-Teacher and sts 
+Where are they ?-in the class 
+What are they doing ?-They are listening to the teacher
+What are they talking about ?-They are talking about one’s personal information 
B1.Listen then practice with a partner 
I. New words:
 Phạm Thị Hoa.
1. Family name 
2. Middle name 
3. First name. 
4->full name:Pham thi Hoa 
Who : ai What : gì ,cái gì 
Which: cái nào Where: ở đâu 
*What’s your family name ?
My family name is .
+What is your middle name ?
My middle name is Thi
+What is your full name ?
My full name is ..
+ How old .?
+Where do you live ?
III.Practice reading ( B1)
* Now answer:
a. Hoa is talking to Miss Lien.
b. Her family name is Pham.
c. Her middle name is Thi
d. She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
2. B2 - Write. Complete the dialogue:
 Question words:
* Who, what, where, when, how:
Answer :Who , who , what ( which ) , where , where ,how
3. B3 - Ask your partner:
- Name: Hoa
- Age: 13
- Grade: 7 A
- School: Le Quy Don school 
- Home address: 12 Le Loi Street.
IV. Home work:
-Do ex1 (p 5)in the (Wb) Complete the dialogue )
-Ex 5(7) Write a short paragraph about yourselves using the question in the ex.
Week: 2
Period: 5
Lesson 4: B4,5
Preparation date:24/8/
 Teaching date : / 
By the end of the lesson sts will be able to:
+ask and answer about distance between 2 places using structures:"How far .’’, +ask about one's mean of transport. 
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3.Attitudes: Students love works
4. Competence and quality:
	4.1. Competence:
	- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, 
	- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 
	4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, 
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
III. Procedures
Teacher’s &Students’Activities
The content.
1. Warm up:
a) Check the old lesson:
- Get 2sts to do exercises.
- Then teacher corrects and gives marks.
b)Chatting: (Introduce the topic of the lesson )
- Get pupils to look at the picture in B4 and T ask sts some questions:
->Introducing the lesson:
2. Presentation.
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
*Present the structure to ask and answer about distance:
- Give example : - Draw on board 
- Her school is near her house 
 A ________1 km _____________B 
 Hoa’s house -> school 
- Write the structure with “ How far”
-Have sts look at the picture then answer the questions 
*Present the structure to ask and answer about mean of transport:
-Using picture to present:
-Give them example:
-Have sts read the example 
3.Practice :
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
*Practice reading the dialogue 
- T plays the tape and let sts repeat:
-Have sts work in pairs to read the dialogue 
-Call some sts to read aloud
*Practice asking and answering about the distance 
-Use the picture in the book and let sts ask and answer:
Give them eg :
(The answer belongs to the fact) 
-Have sts using picture and suggestions to make similar dialogues 
-Call ps to check 
4- Further practice:
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
-Have sts do the survey:
Eg:What is your name ?
 -How far is it from your house to school? 
- How do you go to school everyday ?
-Call some sts to check and then correct:
5-Production :
- Do the exB3(6) in WB 
-Write the answers to the questions using the results of the survey.
I.Warm up:
*2 sts make conversation( a-p5)
1:What’s your family’s name ?
2:Where do you live ?
3:What class are you in ?
4.How old are you ?
*Chatting .
+ How many people are there in the picture?+There are 5 people
+ Where are they? +They are on the road.
+ What are they doing ?+They are riding their bike to school.
B4)Listen .Then practice with a partner 
II. Structures:
1. Hỏi k/cách giữa 2 địa điểm:
How far is it from A to B?
It is about one kilometer.
How far is it from + N + to N2?
It is about + số đếm + meter (s)
 kilometer (s)
2. Hỏi ai đó đi đâu bằng p/ tiện gì:
How do you go to school?
I go to school by bike.
How do + S + go to (the) + đđ
S + go to + (the) đđ + by + P /tiện 
III. Practice:
1. B4) Practice with a partner:
2.B5)Ask and answer with a parter 
*P1 : How far is it from your house to school ?
P2 : It is one kilometer 
P1:How do you go to school?
P2:I go to school by bike.
Suggestion: school / market / movie theater / post-office / bus-stop ...
*- Ask your partner and then fill the table 
means of transport
Eg:She is 14.Her family name is 
IV. Homework :
- Do the exB3(6) in WB 
-Write the answers to the questions using the results of the survey.
Week: 2
Lesson 5: B6
Preparation date:26/8/
 Teaching date : /9/
By the end of the lesson , students will be able to:
 -listen and understand about distances between two places using “how far’’.
 -ask and answer about personal information using" how far ;how do you go to .;Where live ?What ’ 
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3.Attitudes: Students love more lesson
4. Competence and quality:
	4.1. Competence:
	- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity, 
	- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 
	4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around, 
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
III. Procedures
T’s &sts’activities
The content.
1. Warm up:
Have ps ask and answer using the question:
- How far is it from Yen Bai to Hanoi ? 
2.Pre- listening 
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
*Inroduce the new words 
T uses trans,realia,to present the new words.
-guide the sts to read the new words 
Check : rub out and remember 
*introduce the topic of the the listening text : 
- Let ps look at the picture and find out: Lan’s house;school;post office;market ;theater.
-T asks the ps: 
+ Is Lan's house near / far from school?
+ Is Lan's house near the market / the post office / the theater?
-(Ps answer the questions )
-Set the scene:you will hear about 4 distances from lan’s house ..Listen and write the 4 distances .
3. While-listening (listening to get information about distances) 
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
-Play the tape and have ps listen and complete the table about distances 
Call ps to check their mistakes 
4. Post- listening: (practice asking and answering about personal information )
-T- M: Play game, practising, discussion group, technical present .
-C & Q: Co-operation, communication, self- study, using language 
- Have ps ask their classmate where they live , how far it is from their house to school . Then fill in the survey form 
-Have ps work in pairs to ask and answer 
Then fill in the form 
- Ps do a survey 
Have ps write a passage about your friend about name, address, distance, meanof transport 
I. Warm up:
- Question and answer :
Yen Bai Viet Tri 
 Ho Chi Minh city 
P1:How far is it from Yen Bai to Hanoi
P2:It’s about 100 kilometers 
B6 : Listen :
II.New words:
Still (adv) Vẫn (translation)
Recess (n)nghỉ giải lao . //
Stamp (n) con tem (realia )
Center (n) translation
take the bus(v) bắt xe buyt(trans)
post (v)gửi (trans) 
+Her house is near her school 
+Her house is far from the market
II. Listening
a- school to Lan’s house 
b- her house to the post-office 
c- school to the movie theater 
d- movie theater to the post-office 
IV. B7.A survey 
- What is your name ?my name is 
- Where do you live ?I live ..
- How far is it from your house to school? It is about 
- How do you go to school ?
I go to school by bike 
Name : ..
Address: ..
Mean of transport: .
Distance: ..
Eg: My friend's name is Ha. She lives at 12 Le Loi Street. She goes to school by bicycle. It's about 2 kilometers from her house to school.
V. Home work
Have ps write a passage about your friend about name, address, distance, mean of transport 

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_7_tiet_1_den_6.doc