Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 15

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Tuần 15

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about the Temple of Literature. Use Passive voice, Prepositions of positions in sentences.

1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a. Knowledge:

- Vocabulary: the items related to things to take a trip

- Grammar: passive voice, prepositions

b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c. Attitude: Build positive attitude towards universities in Viet Nam.

2. Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self – learning capability

- Communicative competence

II. Preparation

1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.

2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III. Students’ activities

1. Warm up (5’)


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Period: 43
A closer look 1
I. Objectives
 By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about some historic places in Viet Nam. Ss can practice pronouncing / tʃ / and / dʒ / fluently.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: the items related to things to take a trip
- Grammar: passive voice, prepositions
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Build positive attitude towards universities in Viet Nam.2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
T asks Ss to match the words with the pictures.
1. Matching
1.d 2.c 3.e 4.b 5.a
- well (n) : giếng 
- stone tablet (n) bia đá
- pavilion (n) đình, tạ
- heritage (n) di sản
- architectural (adj) thuộc kiến trúc
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims: developing their listening skill
- Have Ss look at the names of some sections in the Temple of Literature. Then have Ss match the names with the pictures.
- Some students present their work on the board and others provide comments
Checking: Rub out and remember:
Ex: Play the recording twice.
Ss guess the names of five sections (1-5) in the layout.
Aims: developing their speaking skills.
Ex: Have Ss describe the layout using the prepositions suggested. T may ask some to write the sentences on the board. 
2. Read the names in 1 again and listen to the recording. Complete the layout of the Temple of Literature-the Imperial Academy.
1. Van Mieu Gate
2. Khue van Pavilion
3. Thien QuangTinh Well
4. Doctor’s stone tablets
5. The Temple of Literature
3. With a partner, use the prepositions in the box below to describe the layout of the Temple of Literature.
Thien Quang Tinh Well is in the middle of the Temple of Literature.
Aims: developing their pronunciation, distinguishing sounds / tʃ / and / dʒ / 
- T models the sounds / tʃ / and / dʒ / first and then play the recording.
- Ask Ss to practice the sounds together and write the words in the correct columns.
* PRONUNCIATION / tʃ / and / dʒ / 
4. Listen and write the words in the correct columns. Pay attention to the sounds / tʃ / and / dʒ /.
- / tʃ/ : children, chair, architectural, cultural, watch, teach, question.
- / d / : job, jeans, engineer, heritage, village.
Aims: developing their listening skills
Ss sing the chant.
5. Listen and repeat the chant.
3. Consolidation 4’ (Exercise 6 page 60)
 Write the words from 5 with the sounds / tʃ / and / dʒ /
Key:	/ tʃ / : chicken, chop, cherry, chip, cheap, cheaper, which, lunch.
/dʒ/: orange, jam, juice, jill, John
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 44
A closer look 2
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about the Temple of Literature. Use Passive voice, Prepositions of positions in sentences.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: the items related to things to take a trip
- Grammar: passive voice, prepositions
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Build positive attitude towards universities in Viet Nam.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
- T asks Ss to study the Grammar Box.
- Draw Ss’ attention to how to use the passive form
Ss give some more examples.
A.: People speak English all over the world.
P.: English is spoken all over the world.
 (+) S + be + PP( V-ed/V3 )+ (by sb).
(-) S + be not + PP( V-ed/V3 )+ (by sb).
The use:
We use the present simple passive when the action is more important than the person who does it.
New words.
relic (n) di tích
regard (v) coi 
construct (v) = build
Emperor (n) hoàng đế
scholar (n) người có học thức
erect (v) xây dựng
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims: developing their reading skills.
- T asks Ss to do the grammar exercise individually. 
- T reminds them to refer to the Grammar Box. 
1. Complete the passage using the past participle.
1. located 2. surrounded
3. displayed 4. taken
5. considered
2. Using the verbs in brackets, 
Singular: Plural
1. Many precious relics are displayed in the Temple of Literature.
2. Many old trees and beautiful flowers are taken care of by the gardeners.
3. Lots of souvenirs are sold inside the Temple of Literature. 
4. Khue Van pavilion is regarded as the symbol of Ha Noi.
5. The Temple of Literature is considered as one of the most important cultural and historical places in Viet Nam.
Aims: developing their speaking skills.
Have Ss study the example to know how to write the sentences.
Ask Ss to write sentences individually. 
T asks Ss to make sentences.
Ss work individually.
Ask Ss to read and put the passage in the correct order.
3. Using the words in the box to make sentences.
Eg: The Temple of Literature is surrounded by brick walls.
4. The past simple passive.
(+) S + was/were + PP( V-ed/V3 )+ (by sb).
(-) S + wasn’t/weren’t + PP( V-ed/V3 )+ (by sb).
1. was 2. constructed 3. were
4. regarded 5. renamed
5. Put the parts of the passage below in the correct order. Then circle the examples of the past simple passive in the text.
Key: D-C- A -B
6. Can you make sentences in the present and past passive voice about the places below?
 Example: The One Pillar pagoda is located in the center of Ha Noi.
1. The One Pillar was pagoda built in 1049.
3. Consolidation 4’
Practice fluently
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 45
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about what they should do and shouldn’t do while taking tourist trips.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: book a hotel in advance /phr/ đặt tiền phòng trước, souvenir /n/ đồ lưu niệm
- Grammar: passive voice
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Build positive attitude towards universities in Viet Nam.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Game cards.
- Preparation: Ss have five pieces of paper on which the following phrases are written: grow flowers and trees, speak English, visit Temple of Literature, buy souvenirs.
- T explain how the game is played;
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
- T reminds Ss of the structures: Giving advice:
- Have Ss understand the meaning of them.
Ss predict.
- Read aloud 3 times and then have students make sentences individually.
Vocabulary and structures
 in advance (adv) trước
You’d better ..because 
It’s a good idea to .. because 
I think you should 
You’d better (that) ..
Aim: developing their reading skill
- T. has Ss imagine that some overseas friends are planning a trip to Ha Noi. Ss give advice on what they should or shouldn’t do. Give Ss some minutes to individually read and write Do or Don’t in the boxes.
- Some Ss present their work on the board and others provide comments.
- T. gives comments and correct if necessary.
1. Tips for trips.
a. Imagine some overseas friends are planning a trip to Ha Noi. Advise them what they should and shouldn’t do. Write Do or Don’t in each box.
1. Do 6. Don’t
2. Do 7. Don’t
3. Don’t 8. Do
4. Don’t 9. Don’t
5. Do 10. Do
Aim: developing their speaking skill
- T reminds Ss of the structures: Giving advice: had better + V(inf) 
- Ss understand the meaning of them. Ss predict. Read aloud 3 times and then have students make sentences individually.
- Some ss present their work on the board and others provide comments.
b. Work in pairs. Practise giving advice to your partner.
* Giving advice:
had better + V(inf) = should + V(inf)
You’d better book a hotel in advance so that you are sure you have a room.
Aim: developing their speaking skill.
T calls on some Ss to change the sentence into the present simple passive voice.
2. b. Instructions: 
S1: They grow a lot of trees and flowers in the Temple of Literature.
S2: A lot of trees and flowers are grown in the Temple of Literature.
3. Consolidation 4’
Practice fluently
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Week 15: ........................................................

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