Giáo án English 8 - Unit 6: Folk tales skills 2 - Năm học 2021-2022

Giáo án English 8 - Unit 6: Folk tales skills 2 - Năm học 2021-2022

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to know listening to get specific information about the topic and write a paragraph about the topic.

- Gifted students:

 + Listen comprehension the related texts.

+ Write sentences and a paragraph (about 120-150 words) about Festivals

* Content

- Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic

- Grammar: Past continuous & Past simple.

 - Skills: Writing, listening

2. Ability: Improve listening and writing skills

3. Attitude:

- Finding out about the folk tales in Viet Nam and love reading them.

- Showing their respect to friends and teachers.

II. Teaching aids: Text books, cassette, chalk, pictures and some boards.


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Date of preparation: 06/11/2021
Date of teaching: 15/11/2021 – Class 8A, D, G
Period 37
Skills 2
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to know listening to get specific information about the topic and write a paragraph about the topic.
- Gifted students:
	+ Listen comprehension the related texts.
+ Write sentences and a paragraph (about 120-150 words) about Festivals
* Content
- Vocabulary: extra words related to the topic
- Grammar: Past continuous & Past simple.
 - Skills: Writing, listening
2. Ability: Improve listening and writing skills
3. Attitude: 
- Finding out about the folk tales in Viet Nam and love reading them.
- Showing their respect to friends and teachers.
II. Teaching aids: Text books, cassette, chalk, pictures and some boards.
III. Procedures:
T’s and Ss’ activities
Activity 1. (5’) 
Aim: Ask questions to get ready for the topic
-T writes the word ‘fairy tale’ on the board as the centre of a word web and asks volunteers to come up and add any words or phrases to the word-web connected with the topic of ‘fairy tale’. -> Lead in lesson.
Activity 2. (10’)
Aim: Ss practice listening about the festivals.
-Ss look at the pictures and make some guesses about the fairy tale:
? What/ who do you think the main characters in the fairy tale?
? What may happen in the fairy tale?
* For gifted students: Listen comprehension the related texts. 
- Have ss read through the word web and guess the words or phrase to fill in each blank.
- Ask ss to write their guesses on the board..
T: Now you are going to listen to the story.
- Play the recording twice and ss listen and complete the word web.
- Ask ss to compare their answer with each other and then with the word/ phrase on the board. 
- Play the recording again for pairs to check their answers.
Activity 3. 25’
Aim: Writing a short paragraph about the favourite fairy tales.
-Ss make notes about one of their favorite fairy tale or invent their own fairy tale.
-Ss write their own story, one student writes his or her story on the board.
* For gifted students: Invent and write their own story (about 120).
Activity 4 (5’)
Aim: Ss summary content and are guided to study at home.
- Give out the homework and asks Ss to do it.
-Ss retell main content.
Ex 1. Listen to the fairy tale and correct the following statements.
1. Once upon a time, there was a king, a qeen, and a princess.
2. One night an ogre captured the princess and put her in his tower.
3. One day a dragon heard the princess cry for help.
4. At the end of the story, the dragon married the princess.
Ex 2. Listen again and fill the missing words.
1. castle
2. give gold
3. with anger
4. breath
5. strong back
Make notes
- Title:
- Main characters:
- Plot:
- Ask students to complete all the exercises. 
- Do ex again.
- Rewrite the story.
- Prepare Unit 7: Getting started
Date of preparation: 06/11/2021
Date of teaching: 16/11/2021 – Class 8A, D, G
Period 38
Getting started: Monday in the playground
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use some words related the topic “pollution” to talk about types of pollution
- Read the conversation between Mi and Nick and do exercises given
* Content: 
- Vocabulary: dump, poison, aquatic, illustrate, substance, thermal, radioactive, visual.
- Grammar: 
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
2. Ability.
- Practice the dialogue fluently
- Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic and read correct intonation.
3. Attitude.
- Find out about the causes and effects of pollution and the way how to reduce pollution. 
- Have respect for teachers.
II. Teaching aids: T: lesson plan, papers, computer, speaker, ...
III. Procedures 
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Activity 1. Warm up (5’)
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- Stormword: Types of pollution
Activity 2. (10’) 
Aim: Help Ss interact a conversation and answer the questions.
- Asks Ss to look at the picture and answer some questions:
+ Who can you see in the picture ?
Where do you think they are ?
What can you see in the picture ?
What do you think the people in the picture are talking about ?
- Ss have a look at the picture in GETTING STARTED. Introduce the students in the picture: Duong & Peter
- Play the recording and have Ss follow along
- Explains some new words
- Guides Ss to read new words.
Activity 3 (25’) 
Aim: Ss can practice the lexical items related to the topic.
- Work independently to find out the words with the given meanings in the conversation. share answers before discussing as a class. 
- Ss read out the lines in the dialogue that contain the words. Quickly write the correct answer on the board.
- Have Ss to look at “ Watch out” box and quickly read the information. Ask Ss if they know I can’t believe in my eyes means. Then explain to them that this expression means you are very surprised at something you see.
- Have Ss read the questions to make sure the understand them.
- SS work in pairs
- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check their answers
- T gives the correction. 
- Have ss look at the pictures. Ask them what they see in each picture. Tell ss that in the box are some types of pollution. Ss read these and identify any new words they do not know. Explain the new words so that Ss can understand the pollution types. 
- Ss work in pairs
- Some Ss write the answers on the board
- Others comment and T gives the correction
- Read through the sentences to get general understanding. T may explain some words that Ss don’t know.
- Do this activity individually then compare with partners.
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
- T confirms the correct answers.
Activity 4. 5’
Aim: Ss summary content and are guided to study at home.
- Repeat the main points in the lesson.
- T gives out the work and guides ss to prepare for the new lesson.
 noise pollution air pollution
types of pollution
Ex 1. Listen and read
* Vocabulary
- aquatic (adj) : ở dưới nước
- illustrate (v): minh hoạ 
- subtance (n) : chất 
- thermal (adj) : thuộc về nhiệt 
- visual (adj): thuộc về thị giác 
- dump (v): vứt, bỏ
- poison (n,v): chất độc, nhiễm độc
- radioactive (a) thuộc về phóng xạ
Ex 1a. Circle the correct answer.
 1. dead 2. aquatic 3. dump 
4. poison 5. polluted 6. to come up with
Ex 1b . Answer the questions.
1. They are in Mi’s home village.
2. It’s almost black.
3. She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead.
4. It’s dumping poison into the lake.
5. He’s sneezing so much because the air is not clean.
Ex 2. There are different types of pollution. Write each type under a picture.
radioactive pollution
noise pollution
visual pollution
thermal pollution
water pollution
land/soil pollution
light pollution
air pollution
Ex 3. Complete the sentences with the types of pollution
1. thermal pollution
2. air pollution
3. radioactive pollution
4. light pollution
5. air pollution
6. land/ soil pollution
7. noise pollution
8. visual pollution
- Learn by heart words related to the topic “ pollution” 
- Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 1
 + Find new words
 + Use pencils to do Ex 1,2,3(textbook)
Date of preparation: 06/11/2021
Date of teaching: 17/11/2021 – Class 8A, D, G
Period 39
A closer look 1
I. Objectives: 
1. Knowledge By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Use lexical items related to the topic “pollution” to talk about types of pollution
- Pronounce the words ending in –ic and in –al correctly in isolation and in context
* Content: 
- Vocabulary: contamination, litter, lead, defect.
- Grammar: 
- Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
2. Ability.
- Use the lexical items related to the topic and pronounce correctly.
3. Attitude.
- Find out about the causes and effects of pollution and the way how to keep the environment cleaner and greener.
- Have respect for teachers and friends.
II. Teaching aids: laptop; projector; textbook.
III. Procedures 
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
Activity 1. (5’) 
Aim: Ss play games to get ready for the topic
- talk about some types of pollution. What types of pollution does your neighborhood have to face?
Activity 2. 20’
Aim: Ss can use vocabularies related to the topic.
- Have Ss look at the table in the book. Make sure that they understand what to do. Ss complete the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner.
- Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board
- Check the answers as the whole class.
- Have Ss read each sentence silently to have a generral understanding and decide which word form should be put in each blank.
For example: the word to be filled in the blank in sentence 1 is an adjective. Point out that the provided letter is a clue to help them find the word. Ss do the exercise and then compare their answers with a partner. Call on some Ss to speak out their answers before confirming the correct ones.
- Have Ss look at the language box. Tell Ss that the words and phrases in the box express cause and effect relationships. Ss have learned so, because and because of . Quickly go through the rest of words/ phrases 
 - have Ss read the sentences and explain the rules themselves by using the words and phrases.
- Ask SS to read each pair of sentences and decide C or E. SS compare their answers with a partner. Some SS give their answers. Other comment.
- Guides SS to do 3b at home.
- This activity can be carried out as a game. Ss work in groups of 4. Each group writes as many sentences as possible. The group with the most sentences is the winner.
Activity 2. 15’
Aim: Ss pronounce the stress in words ending in -ic/ -al
- Ask Ss to look at the rules and the examples in the box. Go through the rules with them. 
- Have Ss give some more examples.
- Play the recording for Ss to stress the words.
- Ask some Ss to say where the stress in each word is.Confirm the correct answers
- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the words. Call on some Ss to read out the words.
Activity 4. (5’)
Aim: Ss summary content and are guided to study at home.
- Repeat the main points in the lesson.
- T gives out the work and guides ss to prepare for the new lesson.
Ex 1. Complete the table with appropriate verbs, nouns, and adjectives
1. poison 2. contaminate 3. pollutant
4. polluted 5. death 6. damaged.
Ex 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the table in 1.
1. poisonous 2. pollutants 3. dead 4. contaminated 5. damage 6. pollute
* Cause and effect
- Some words/ phrases are used to talk about the causes of something: 
+ Because/ since + A clause
+ Due to/ because of + A noun phrase
- Some words/ phrases are used to express the effects of something: 
+ So + a clause
+ to cause/ to lead to/ to result in + a noun phrase
+ to make sb/sth do sth
3a. Decide which sentence is a cause/ an effect.
1.C/E 2. C/E 3. C/E 4. E/C 5. E/C
4. Work in groups. Look at the pairs of pictures. Give as many sentences as possible to show cause/ effect relationships
Stress in words ending in –ic and –al 
Ex 5. Listen and mark the stress in each word, then repeat it. 
1. ar’tistic 2. alth’letic 3. his’toric 
4. his’torical 5. ‘logical 6. ‘physical 7. he’roic 8. po’etic 9. bo’tanic 10. bo’tanical
- Learn by heart different forms of some words 
 - Make 5 sentences about the causes and effects of pollution
 - Do exercises: A1,2, B1, 2, 3 (page 3,4 – workbook) 
 - Prepare: Review 2: Language
Date of preparation: 06/11/2021
Date of teaching: 18/11/2021 – Class 8A, D, G
Period 40
I. Objectives
1. Knowledge. This lesson will help students revise the language they have studied and the skills they have practised since unit 4, 5, 6.
By the end of the lesson, ss can review the language they have learnt include: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar they have learnt from unit 4- 5- 6 by doing exercises.
2. Ability. Linguistic competence, cooperative learning.
3. Attitude.
- Be confident and active to do exercises.
- Love and respect to teachers and friends.
II. Teaching aids. Ss’ books, text books, computer, projector...
III. Procedure
Teacher’s & Students’ activities
Activity 1: Warm up (5’)
Aim: To attract Ss’ attent	ion to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
* Brainstorming:
-Have ss work in 2 teams.
-Ss write as many words about folk tale as possible
Activity 2 (10’)
Aim: Help Ss review pronunciation the words with /spr/, /str/
- Ask ss to underline the words with /spr/ and circle the words with /str/.
- Have ss practise individually, in pairs.
Activity 3 (12’)
Aim: Help Ss review the vocabularies they have learnt in unit 1,2,3.
- Asks ss to circle the word with a different stress. Then listen, repeat and check.
- Gives answer key.
- Asks ss to choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
- Gives answer key.
Activity 4 (10’)
Aim: Help Ss review the grammar they have learnt in unit 1,2,3
- Ask ss to use the words in the box to complete the sentences.
- Gives answer key.
- Asks ss to read and match the notices (A-E) to the sentences 1-5
- Gives answer key.
- Ask ss to complete each sentence, using although, while, however, moreover, and otherwise.
- Ask ss to read the conversation and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
- Asks ss to complete the conversation and then practice.
- Asks ss to work in pairs.
Activity 5. (2’)
Aim: Ss summary content and are guided to study at home
- Ss repeat all the knowledge they’ve learnt from U1 to U3.
- T gives out the work and guides ss to prepare for the new lesson.
Ex 1: Ss underline the words with /spr/ and circle the words with /str/.
- Ss practise individually, in pairs.
1. strawberries 2. spring
3. sprite 4. instructor 5. street
Ex 2: Ss circle the word with a different stress. Listen and repeat.
1. bamboo 2. Cultural 3. competition
4. presentation 5. heritage
Ex 3: Ss choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
1. tradition 2. worshiped 3. broke
4. procession 5. ritual 6. followed
Ex 4: Ss use the words in the box to complete the sentences.
1. legend 2. cunning 3. ever
4. generous 5. kind
Ask ss to use the words in the box to complete the sentences.
Ex 5: Ss read and match.
1 – B 2 – A 3 – E 4 – D 5 – C
Ex 6: Ss complete each sentence, using although, while, however, moreover, and otherwise.
1. Although 2. otherwise 3. While
4. moreover 5. however
Ex 7: Ss put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
1. were you doing 2. was watching
3. was telling 4. happened 
5. were having 6. were setting off
Everyday English
Ex 8: Ss complete the conversation and then practice.
- Do the task in pairs
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. E
- Do exercises in workbook.
- Prepare: review 2: Skills

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