Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 (Sách mới) - Period 31, Unit 5: Festivals in Vietnam skills 1 - Năm học 2021-2022

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 (Sách mới) - Period 31, Unit 5: Festivals in Vietnam skills 1 - Năm học 2021-2022



I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge.

 + Vocabulary: memorize and use words about festivals in Viet Nam.

2. Ability:

- Reading: Read passages within 120 - 150 for recognizing information about Hung king temple festival and Huong pagoda festival.

- Speaking: discuss the questions related to the topic fesstivals which is about organizing a trip.

* Excellent Ss: Read comprehension the related texts. Use all the knowledge they have learned in the topic to discuss questions and then discuss about topic Hung king temple festival and Huong pagoda festival.

3. Attitude

- Students find out about and love the festivals in Viet Nam.

II. Teaching aids.

- Ss’ books, text books, projector, computer, Plickers software.


docx 4 trang Trịnh Thu Thảo 02/06/2022 5740
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Date of preparation: 28/10/2021
Date of teaching: 01/11/2021
Period 31
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 
1. Knowledge. 
 + Vocabulary: memorize and use words about festivals in Viet Nam.
2. Ability:
- Reading: Read passages within 120 - 150 for recognizing information about Hung king temple festival and Huong pagoda festival.
- Speaking: discuss the questions related to the topic fesstivals which is about organizing a trip.
* Excellent Ss: Read comprehension the related texts. Use all the knowledge they have learned in the topic to discuss questions and then discuss about topic Hung king temple festival and Huong pagoda festival.
3. Attitude 
- Students find out about and love the festivals in Viet Nam. 
II. Teaching aids. 
- Ss’ books, text books, projector, computer, Plickers software.
III. Procedures:
T’s and Ss’ activities
1.Activity 1. (5’)
Aim: To attract Ss’ attention to the lesson and to lead in the new lesson.
- T asks Ss some questions about festivals in Viet Nam. 
Warm up:
- Using software (Plickers).
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A
2.Activities 2. 20’
Aim: Ss can know some words and lead in the text. Help Ss read about customs and traditions in Viet Nam and answer the questions.
- Below are pictures from websites about festivals in Viet Nam. Work in groups to answer the following questions.
In small groups, have Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions, but don’t check the answers with the class.
- Now read the information about these festivals to check your ideas.
Give Ss two minutes to skim the passages and check their answers in 
* For gifted students: Read comprehension the related texts.
- Find words in the passage that have similar meaning to these words or phrases.
Now give Ss one minute to scan the passages to find the words. Explain that to scan they must move their eyes quickly over the text to look for specific information, rather than reading every word. Ask Ss ti ubderline or cirle the words they find with a pencil. T may help Ss work out the meanings of these words from the context. Then check with the whole class.
- Read the information again and answer the following questions.
-Ss read the text again and answer the questions. 
-Ss note where they found the information that helped them ta answer the questions. Ss can compare answers with apartner before discussing them as a class.
Ss’ own answers.
3.Activity 3 (18’)
Aim: Learn and talk about the festivals which help students love and be proud of them.
- Work in pairs. Your teacher is organizing a trip. You have two options: going to Huong Pagoda or going to Hung Kinh Temple. You have to decide the following:
1. Which place do you prefer to go to? Explain your choice.
2. What things should you take with you? Why?
First, Ss work in pairs, choosing one of the two places: Huong Pagoda or Hung King Temple to go and give a reason for their choice.
4. Activity 4. (5’)
Aim: Ss summary content and are guided to study at home.	
- Repeat the main points in the lesson.
Vocabulary about traditions in VN.
Game: using software (Plickers).
1. Where is Hung King Temple Festival held?
A. Ha Noi B. Hoa Binh 
C. Phu Tho D. Thanh Hoa
2. Who do people worship at the Hung King Temple Festival?
A. Buddha B. Hung King
C. Saint Giong D. God
3. What is there a ceremony of offering incense and specialities?
A. Chung Cakes
B. Day Cakes
C. Chung Cakes and Day Cakes
D. Chung Cakes, Day Cakes and five-fruit trays
4. Who do people worship at Huong Pagoda Festival?
A. Buddha B. Hung King
C. Saint Giong D. God
5. When does Huong Pagoda Festival take place?
A. 1st to 3rd lunar month.
B. 1st to 4th lunar month.
C. 1st to 5th lunar month.
D. 1st to 6th lunar month.
Ex 1. Below are pictures from websites about festivals in Viet Nam. Work in groups to answer the following questions.
A Hung king temple festival
B Huong pagoda festival
1. What are the people doing in each picture?
2. Who do people worship at the Hung King Temple Festival?
3. Who do people worship at the Huong Pagoda Fastival?
-Explain that to skim, they must move their eyes very quickly over the text to get a general idea of the subject.
Ex 2. Now read the information about these festivals to check your ideas.
Ex 3. Find words in the passage that have similar meaning to these words or phrases.
1. kings 	1. emperors	
2. includes as an important part of something	2. features
3. interresting, full of fun-3. joyful
4. from aboard 4. from overseas
5. going for a long walk-5. hiking
6. natural surroundings-6. scenery
4. Read the information again and answer the following questions.
1. When does the Hung Kinh Temple Festival take place?
The Hung King Temple festival takes place from the 8th to 11th day of the third lunar month.
2. What is included in the offerings to the Hung Kings?
Incense, specialities such as chung cakes, day cakes and five-fruit trays.
3. Why is it joyful to go to the Hung King Temple Festival?
Because there are many joyful activities including bamboo swings, lion dances, wrestling and xoan singing performances.
4. What do people do to worship Buddha at the Huong Pagoda Festival?
People join a procession and make offerings of incense, flowers, fruit and candles.
5. Which of the activities at the Huong Pagoda Festival do you like most?
5. Work in pairs. Your teacher is organizing a trip. You have two options: going to Huong Pagoda or going to Hung Kinh Temple. You have to decide the following:
Example:I prefer to go to Huong
Pagoda because I really want to travel
Along Yen Stream by boat.
How about you?
Example:I think we should take a bottle. 
Of water because we’ll need it when we’re.
Climbing the mountain.
- Learn new words and do ex again.
- Do exercises in workbook.
- Prepare Unit 5: Skill 2. 
- Exercise in the Workbook. Remember the knowledge.

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  • docxgiao_an_tieng_anh_7_sach_moi_period_31_unit_5_festivals_in_v.docx