Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Bài 2: Health (Chuẩn kiến thức)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Bài 2: Health (Chuẩn kiến thức)

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the vocabulary and grammar items in unit 2; do a health survey.

1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude:

a. Knowledge:

- Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic health issues.

- Grammar: - Imperatives with more and less

 - Compound sentences

b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

c. Attitude: Ss know how to keep healthy.

2. Capacity is formed and developed for students

- Self – learning capability

- Communicative competence

II. Preparation

1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.

2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.

III. Students’ activities

1. Warm up (5’)


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Period: 13
Skill 1
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and talk about health issues and give advice on healthy living.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: - The lexical items related to the topic health issues.
- Grammar	- Imperatives with more and less
	- Compound sentences 
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Ss know how to keep healthy.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
T writes the word CALORIE on the board.
- T asks Ss to brainstorm any words that they associate with CALORIE.
- Ss guess what the reading will be about.
- Ss complete the exercise.
- T checks and confirm the correct answers.
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims: students know information about number of calory take in.
- T asks Ss to guess what the reading will be about.
- Ss complete the exercise in pairs.
- T check and confirm the correct answers.
1. Quickly read the text. Match the correct headings with the paragraphs.
1. b
2. a
- T puts Ss in pairs and have them complete exercise 2.
- T encourages Ss to write the meaning of the words as simply as possible and in their own words.
- T elicits the meanings of the words from the different groups.
- Ss work in pairs.
- Ss give answers.
- T gives feedbacks.
2. Find the following words/ phrases in the text. Discuss the meaning of each word with a partner. Then check the meaning.
diet (n) – the food that you eat on a daily basis.
Expert – some who has study a lot about a subject or topic and understand it well.
Tip – an advice on how to do something quickly and successfully, usually from one’s own experience.
Junk food – usually convienience food like Mc Donald, KFC 
Stay in shape – be fit and healthy.
- T ask Ss to complete the activity individually. 
- T then corrects the answers with the class.
- Ss complete the activity individually. 
- Ss give answers.
- T corrects.
3. Now answer the following questions.
1. A calorie is energy that helps us do our everyday activities.
2. If we eat too many calories we get fat.
3. To stay healthy you need between 1,600 and 2,500 calories.
4. Sports activities and running use a lot of calories.
5. People listen to his advice because he is an expert.
Aims: Students can talk about calories used for everyday activities.
- T draws Ss attention to the table and explains that the activities are listed next to the number of calories used in one hour. 
- T may ask comprehension question such as “ If I do aerobics for 3 hours, how many calories will I use?”
- Ss work in pairs, or groups of three and asks them to discuss the questions. T walks around the room monitoring. When Ss have finished discussing the questions, 
4. Look at the table and discuss the following questions.
1. Why do you think some activities use more calories than others.
2. Which activity uses more calories: gardening or walking?
3. How many calories do you use doing aerobics for 2 hours?
4. What do you think happens when we have too few calories, but too many calories?
- T asks them to move on to exercise 5.
- T asks Ss to complete the table and think about how many calories each activity will take. If the activity they like to do is not on the table Ss can guess the number of calories by comparing with the table 4. Ss share their table with groups.
5. Choose two or three activities you like to do. Complete the chart about those activities.
- Ss share their tables with the class.
- T remarks.
6. Present your table to the class. Try to include the following information.
(Page 22)
3. Consolidation 4’
- Talk about calories used for everyday activities.
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 14
Skill 2
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and write a reply giving advice to someone with a health problem.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues.
- Grammar: 	- Imperatives with more and less
	- Compound sentences
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Ss know how to keep healthy.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
- T draws the Olympic rings on the board and ask Ss what these represent.
- Brainstorm with Ss as a class different words that come to mind when Ss think of the Olympics.
- Ss work in groups.
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims: students can listen to get specific information about health problems and advice .
- T divides the class into pairs and asks them to discuss the questions. 
- Ss work in pairs and answer the questions.
- T remarks.
1. Look at the picture. Discuss the questions with a partner.
1 What sports do people do in the Olympics?
2.The Olympic sport below is sometimes called “the Ironman event”. Why?
- T asks Ss to listen to the recording and circle the health problem they hear.
- Ss work individually.
- Ss give answers.
- T gives feedbacks.
2. Listen to the interview. Which problems did he have as a child?
- sick
- allergy
- T asks Ss to listen to the recording again and choose the right respond.
- Ss work individually.
- T remarks.
- Ss complete the task individually.
 - Ss come up to the board and write his/her answers on the board and the class check them.
- T remarks.
3. Listen to the interview again. What advice does he give about preparing for the event?
- Do more exercises
- Sleep more
- Eat more fruit/ vegetables
4/23: Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
- T divides the class into groups and give them a time limit for discussion.
- Ss practice in front of the class.
- T remarks.
5. Now discuss the following in groups.
1. Why is the triathlon a difficult event?
2. Can you think of other Olympic sports that are harder/ easier?
3. Would you like to try the triathlon one day? Why? Why not?
Aims: Ss can write about health advice.
- Ask Ss to work individually to finish this activity.
- Check and confirm the correct answer.
6. Look at Dr. Law’s advice page. Can you match the problems with the answers?
1. c 2. b 3. a
To give advice, you can use:
You should 
You can 
It will be good if you 
Do something more/less 
- Ask Ss to work in pair to write a health problems and responses.
- Ask some pairs to share their problems and response with the class.
7. Look at the answers again. Underline the ways Dr. Dan gives advice.
- You should 
- You can 
- It will be good if you 
- Do something more/ less 
T divides Ss into A and B then put them in pairs. T asks one student A to write a health problem on a piece of paper ( using the frompts from the book), T then asks Student A to pass the paper to Student B and Student B can write a response. 
- Share their questions and responses with the class.
- T remarks.
8. Now , with a partner choose one of the following problems .
Anna: played outside all day/ has sunburn/ has a temprerature
Ngoc: feels weak/ feel tired/ sleeps in
Khang: ate too much/ has stomachache/ feels sick.
3. Consolidation 4’
Give some advice for health problems
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Period: 15
Looking Back and Project
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the vocabulary and grammar items in unit 2; do a health survey.
1. Knowledge, Skills, Attitude: 
a. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: The lexical items related to the topic health issues.
- Grammar:	- Imperatives with more and less
	- Compound sentences 
b. Skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
c. Attitude: Ss know how to keep healthy.
2. Capacity is formed and developed for students
- Self – learning capability
- Communicative competence
II. Preparation
1. Teacher: text book, extra board, cassette tape and real objects.
2. Students: textbook, notebook, workbook.
III. Students’ activities
1. Warm up (5’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
* Brainstorming: Health problems
Health problems Spot sunburn
2. Knowledge formation activities (36’)
Sts’ and T’s activities
Aims: Students can talk about health problems.
- Ss complete this task individually or in pairs. Ss should be encouraged to write down their answers. 
- T can corrects the exercise on the board to check spelling.
1. What health problems do you think each of these people has?
a. sunburn	
b. spots	
c. put on weight	
d. stomachche	
e. flu
-T asks what the see in each picture. After a brief discussion time.
- Ss can complete the exercise individually
- Ss give answers.
- T gives feedback.
2. Look at the pictures above. Write the health problem below each person.
1. spots
2. put on weight
3. sunburn	
4. stomachche/ sick	
5. flu
Aims: students can give health advice with imperatives with more and less.
- Ss complete the exercise individually. 
- Ss give answers.
- T gives feedback.
Imperatives with more or less.
3/24: Complete the health tips below.
1. less	 2. more	3. more
4. Go outside 	
5. Watch less TV 
6. Do more exercise
Aims: students can use Compound sentences correctly.
- Ss can do the exercise with a partner.
- Ss give answers.
- T corrects.
4. Draw a line to link a simple sentence, to a coordinator, to another simple sentence.
Suggested answers:
1. I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight.
2. I don’t want to be tired tomorrow, so I should go to bed early.
3. I have a temperature, and I feel tired.
4. I can exercise every morning, or I can cycle to school.
Aims: Students can talk about health problems.
- T divides the Ss into pairs. 
- T asks one pair to come up and role-play the example in the book. 
- Ss create their own role-plays from the sample problems in the book.
- T chooses a pair or two to do their role-plays in front of the class.
- Ss remain in the same pairs as in exercise 5 and discuss the sentences in 6. 
- T sets a time limit and after a few minutes 
- Ss report back to the class. The class decide what’s true and what’s a myth.
5. Choose one of the following health problems. Role play a discussion. Student A is the patient. Student B is the doctor.
Example: A: Hi, doctor. I feel weak and sick.
B: Did you have enough calories? You should eat more, and I think you should get more exercise too.
A: OK. Thank you doctor.
6.Discuss the following sentences about health with a partner. Do you think they are facts or myths?
E.g: When you have a headache, you should rub an egg on your head.
A: I don’t think this is true. It’s a myths.
B: Yes, I agree/ No, I disagree ..
Project: Health survey
This project done at homework.
- T divides the class into groups and each group comes up with questions to find out more about health and health habits of the people around them. Ss ask other groups in class or ask people outsede of the class (other students/teachers in school, family members, friends).
- Done at home, some Ss can make a brief report about the health problems they discovered and tell their groups/the class about what they found.
1.write the questions.
2 collect the answers from the survey.
3.Find out what healh problems are most popular.
4. Present your finding to the class.
3. Consolidation 4’
Ss write questions for a survey about people,s health problems in your class,
4. Using knowledge (option)
5. Further practice (option)
IV. Experience:
Week 5: ........................................................

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