Lesson plan English 8 - The second term - School year 2019-2020 - Phạm Bá Dương

Period 56: Lesson 2: A closer look 1
Preparing: ./1/2020 Teaching: ./1/2020
1. Educational aims
- To use the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution”
- To pronounce the words ending in –ic ans –al correctly in isolation and in context
- To use conditional sentences type 1,2 correctly and approriately to describe pollution
2. Knowledge and skills
* General language knowledge
- Vocabulary : +contaminate (v), pollutant ( n), contaminant (n) , poisonous (adj), liter (n, v) fume
- Grammatical structures : cause/ efffect
because/ since + clause
Due to / because of + sth
So + clause
* Skills: Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution”
II/ Preparation:
- T: lesson plan, visual pictures , projects, player
- Ss: vocabularies related to the topic ‘ pollution”
III/ Anticipated problems
- S may forget vocabularies so teacher should repeat them
THE SECOND TERM UNIT 7: POLLUTION Period 55: Lesson 1: Getting started Preparing: ........./1/2020 Teaching: ........./1/2020 I/Objectives 1. Educational aims - To use the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” - To use words and phrases showing cause/ effect relationships the causes and effects of pollution - To use conditional sentences type 1,2 correctly and approriately to describe pollution 2. Knowledge and skills * General language knowledge - Vocabulary : aquatic, dump, poison, illustrate, substance, radioactive , soil pollution, thermal , visual - Grammatical structures : conditional sentences type 1,2 * Skills: Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” II/ Preparation: - T: lesson plan, visual pictures , projects, player - Ss: vocabularies related to the topic ‘ pollution” III/ Anticipated problems S may have difficulty vocabularies so teacher should repeat them IV. Procedure Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content A.Warm up (5ms) - S work in groups A and B. Make a ball . Throw the ball to a student in group A and he/ she has to call out one fairytale. If he/ she is right, group A gets one point. Then he/ she throws the ball to a student in group B .The game stops when time is up. The group with more points wins. B. Presentation Activity 1 (7ms) T asks Ss to open their book and look at the picture. Ask them some questions + Who can you see in the picture? Ss: They are Nick and Mi + Where do you think they are? S: They are beside the factory + What can you see in the picture? S: I can see air pollution + What do you think the people in the picture are talking about? S: they are talking about pollution T introducres new words T plays the recording and have Ss follow along. Ask Ss to practice dialogue with a partner Call on some Ss to read in front of the class Ss can compare their answers with the information in the dialogue in add some more details to their answers Activity a.(5ms) - T ask Ss work independently to find the words with the given meanings in the conversation. - Asks them to share answer with a partner. - Remember to ask Ss to read the lines in the conversation that contain the words. - T have Ss write the correct answers on the board Activity b. (5ms) Have Ss read the questions to make sure they understand them. Ss read the conversation again to answer the questions. Ss exchange their answers with a classmate. Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board . T checks answers. Activity c. .(4ms) Have Ss read the sentences quickly to make sure they understand them. Ask them firstly to decide if the senetences are true, false or there is no information without reading the dialogue. Have Ss write their answers on the board. Have Ss read the conversation again to check their answers. Aks Ss if they want to change the answers on the board and ask thenm to explain their choices. T corrects Activity 2.(5ms) Have Ss look at the pictures . Ask them what they see in each picture. Tell Ss that Ss in the box are some types of pollution. Ss read these and identify any new owrds they do not. Explain the new words to that Ss can understand the pollution types . Ss do this activity in pairs. Call on some Ss to give their answers and write on the board Acvtivity 3.(5ms) Have Ss read through the sentences to get a general understanng. T may teach some words which T thinks Ss do not know such as contamination Ss do this activity individually and then compare their answers with a classsmate. Call on some Ss Ss to stand up and give their answers . T corrects Activity 4 (5ms) Ask Ss to work in groups. 5 minutes, Ss write down the pollution types their neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness They also have to give reasons for their order. Call representatives to present their group’s order ans reason. Have the class vote for the group with the best reason E. Wrap-up( 4ms) -T: asks Ss to read conditional sentences type 1,2 - Ss : If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die. T introduces this sentence is conditional sentence type 1 + If the air wasn’t dirty, I wouldn’t sneeze so much. T introduces this sentence is conditional sentence type 2 (unread at present) F. Homeassignment(1ms.) - Do Ex B (2,3) in page 4 –SBT - Learn by heart new words - Prepare unit 7: A closer look 1 Listen and read Vocabulary: -aquatic(adj): dưới nước - dump(v): bơm, xả - poison (n, v): chất độc , làm nhiễm độc - illustrate (v) minh hoạ - substance (n): chất - radioactive (n) thuộc về phóng xạ - soil (n): đất - thermal (adj): thuộc về nhiệt - visual (adj) : thuộc về thị giác a.Find a word / phrase that means Key: 1. deal 2. apuatic 3. dump 4. poison 5. polluted 6. to come up with b. Answer the questions Key They are in Mi’s home village. It’s almost black . She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead. It’s dumping poison into the lake. He’s sneezing so much because the air is not clean. c. Tick True or F otr No information (NI) Key: 1. F 2. T 3. NI 4. T 5. T 2.There are different types of pollution. Write each type under a picture Key: A.radioactive pollution B.noise pollution C. visual pollution D. thermal pollution E water pollution F land/ soil pollution G. light pollution H. air pollution 3.Complete the sentences with the types of pollution Key thermal pollution air pollution radioctive pollution light pollution water pollution land/ soil pollution noise pollution visual pollution 4. Work in groups. Which types of pollution in 3 does your neighbourhood face? Rank them in order of seriousness. Give reasons for your group’s order Self evaluation: ........................ UNIT 7: POLLUTION Period 56: Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Preparing: ........./1/2020 Teaching: ........./1/2020 I/Objectives 1. Educational aims - To use the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” - To pronounce the words ending in –ic ans –al correctly in isolation and in context - To use conditional sentences type 1,2 correctly and approriately to describe pollution 2. Knowledge and skills * General language knowledge - Vocabulary : +contaminate (v), pollutant ( n), contaminant (n) , poisonous (adj), liter (n, v) fume - Grammatical structures : cause/ efffect because/ since + clause Due to / because of + sth So + clause * Skills: Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing with the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” II/ Preparation: - T: lesson plan, visual pictures , projects, player - Ss: vocabularies related to the topic ‘ pollution” III/ Anticipated problems S may forget vocabularies so teacher should repeat them IV. Procedure Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content A.Warm up: let’s play “ network’ ( 5ms) Types pollution Air pollution B. Presentation (10ms) Vocabulary Activity 1 -Have Ss look at the table in the book. Make sure that they understand what to do. Ss complete the exercise individually and them compate their answers with a partner. Call on some Ss to write on the board T introduces new words Activity 2 Have Ss read each sentence sillently to have a genernal understanding and decide which word form should be filled in each blank. In sentence 1 is an adjective. Point out t5hat the provided letter is a clude to help them find the word. Ss do the exercise and compare their answers with a partner. Call on one or two Ss to give the answers before confurming the correct ones. - Have Ss look at the language box. - Tell Ss the words and phrases in the box express cause and effect relationship . - Ss have learrnt so, because and because of. Because / since and due to/ because of are used to talk about the causes of something Because and since of are synonyms and they come before a noun phrase. Have Ss read the example sentences and underline the clause or noun phrase Other words and phrases in the box express the effects of something. So comes before a clause To cause , to lead to and to result in are synonyms and they come before a noun phrase. To make sb/ sth do sth in another way to express the effects. After somebody / something is an infinitive verb without to Have Ss read the example sentences and underline the cluse, noun phrase , or infinitive T may have Ss read the sentences and explain the rules themselves by using the words and phrases C. Practice (15ms) Activity 3a. Ask Ss to read each pair of sentences and decide which sentence is a cause and which is an effect. Ss compare their answers with a partner. T corrects Activity 3b. Ask Ss to read the example. Ask them what changes they can see in the new sentence. T may have Ss look at the language box again to remind them of structures. Ss have to combine each pair of sentences in 3a into a complete sentence, using the word/ phrase in brackets. Activity 4 Have Ss look at the picture in 1. Ask Ss which picture shows the cause and which picture shows the effect. Asks Ss to read the example sentences and pay attention to the cause/ effect words or phrases. Ss work in pairs to write sentences showing cause / effect relationship -T devides the class into 12 groups. Two groups work with the same pair of picture in 2,3 or 4. In three minutes, groups of Ss write down as many sentences based on same given picture pair as possible on a sheet of ppaper. When time is up, the group with the most sentences is winner. They stick their paper on the board and read sentences alound. Other group give comments. Other groups can add sentences they have. Pronunciation (10ms) Activity 5 Play the recording for Ss to stress the words. Ask some Ss to say where the stress in each word is. Confirm the correct answer. Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the words. Call on some Ss to read out the words Activity 6 Have Ss do the activity individually. Play the recording for Ss to check their answers Then elicit the correct stress partern from Ss T Plays the recording again for Ss to repeat the sentences. Ask Ss to read out the sentences. E. Wrap-up( 4ms) -T: F. Homeassignment(1ms.) - Do Ex B (1,2,3) in page 4 –SBT - Learn by heart new words - Prepare unit 7: A closer look 2 Vocabulary 1. Complete the table with appropriate verbs , nouns and adjectives Key 1. poison 2. contaminate 3. pollutant 4. polluted 5. death 6. damaged - contaminate (v): làm bẩn - pollutant ( n) chất gây ô nhiễm - contaminant (n) chất gây bẩn - poisonous (adj) ; độc - liter (n, v) rác vụn, vứt rác - fume ( n) hơi khói 2.Complete the sentences with the words from the table in 1. Key 1. poisonous 2. pollutant 3. dead 4. contaminated 5. damage 6. pollute 3.Decide which sentence in each pair sentences is a cause and which is an effect . Write C ( for cause ) or E ( for effect) next to sentence. Key a) 1. (C) . (E) 2. (C) ( E) 3. ( C ) (E) 4. (E) (C ) 5. (E) (C) b) 2. Oil spills from ships in oceans and river lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants. 3. Households dump waste into the river so it polluted. 4. Since the parents were exposed to radiation. Their children have birth defects. 5. We can’t see the stars at night due to the light pollution. 4. Work in groups. Look at the pairs of pictures . Give as many sentences as possible to show cause / effect relationship Suggested answers 2.The soil is polluted , so plants can’t grow. 3.We won’t have fresh water to drink because of water pollution. 4.We plant tress, so we can have fresh air. Pronunciation Stres in words ending in –ic and -al 5.Listen and mark the tress in each word, then repeat it. Key 1. ar’tistic 6. ‘physical 2. ath/letic 7. he’roic 3. his’toric 8. po’etic 4. his’torical 9. bo’tanic 5. ‘logical 10. bo’tanical 6. Underline the words ending in –ic and circle the words ending –al in the following sentences Key 1. scien’tific 2. ‘national 3. ‘medical 4. ‘chemical 5. dra’matic Self evaluation: ......................... ********************************************* UNIT 7: POLLUTION Period 57: Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Preparing: ........./1/2020 Teaching: ........./1/2020 I/Objectives 1. Educational aims - To use the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” - To use conditional sentences type 1,2 correctly and approriately to describe pollution 2. Knowledge and skills * General language knowledge - Vocabulary decrease, reproduce, - Grammatical structures : Conditional sentences type 1,2 * Skills: Practice speaking and writing with the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” II/ Preparation: - T: lesson plan, visual pictures , projects, player - Ss: vocabularies related to the topic ‘ pollution” III/ Anticipated problems S may forget vocabularies so teacher should repeat them IV. Procedure Teacher’s / Students’ activities Contents A.Warm up (5ms) Rearange the jumble words to make sentence 1.we / polluted / air / the / is / if / will / sick / be . -> If the air is polluted, we will be sick B. Presentation (10ms) 3. Practice (20ms) Activity 1 Ss do this exercise individually then compare their answer with apartner. Have Ss read out their answers. T corrects Activity 2 - Have Ss read the pairs of sentences. Ask two ss to write the new conditional sentences types 1 on the board while other Ss write their sentences. Ask ss to comment on the sentences on the board. - Give feedback on these sentnces ans ask other Ss to correct them if necessary Conditional sentences type 2 T : if I were a bilionaire, I would . ask some Ss to complete the sentence orally. Rite the most original answer on the board. T => an example of the conditional sentence type 2 - Have Ss look at the structure of the conditional sentence type 2 in the language box. Activity 3 Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. Compare their answers with a classmate T checks ss’s answers. Activity 4 -Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. -Call on two Ss to write on the board. - Have other Ss correct the answers Activity 5 Have Ss quicky read the example/ Have Ss do this exercise individually Compare their answers with a classmate Ask one or two Ss to write their answers on the board D. Production (5ms) Activity 6 Put Ss in groups of five or six to play chain game. Write conditional sentences type 1 . Ex: A: If each person plants atree, there will be a lot of tress. B: if there are a lot of trees, the air will be clean. C: If the air is cleaner, fewer people will be ill E. Wrap-up( 4ms) -T: repeats the usage of conditional sentence type 1,2, asks Ss to give example - Ss: Ex: I you get up early, you won’t be late for school. Grammar * Conditional sentences type 1 - Use: Câu điều kiện loại 1 dùng diễn tả sự kiện xảy ra ở tương lai - Form: If + S + V ( present simple), S + will + V Ex: If it is hot, we will go swimming. * Condituonal sentences type 1 - Use: Câu điều kiện loại 2 dùng diễn tả sự kiện không có thật hay trái với thực tế hiện tại - Form If + S + V( past simple ), S + would/ could / might + V ( bare infinitive) Ex: If I were a billionare, I would travel around the world. Note: chúng ta có 1. Put the verbs in bracke5ts into the correct form Key 1. recycle; will help 2. won’t dump; jines 3. travel; will be 4. will save; don’t waste 5. use; will have 2. combine each pair of sentences to make conditional sentence type 1 Key: 1.Students will be more aware of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental issues at school. 2..When light pollution happens, animals will change their behaviour patterns. 3. The levels of radioactivie pollution will decrease if we witch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources. 4. If the water temperature increases, some aquatic creatures will be unable to reproduce. 5. People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated. 3. Match if clause in A a suitable main clause in B Key 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. a 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form Key 1.were; would do 2.exercised; would be 3. had; would build 4. tidied; wouldn’t be 5. were/ was; would grow 5. Write aconditional sentence type for each situation , as in the example Key: 2.If there weren’t so many billoards in our city, people could enjoy the view. 3.If there wasn’t/ weren’t so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly. 4.If we didn’t turn on the heater all the time, we wouldn’t have to pay three million dong for electricity a month. 5. If the karaoke bar didn’t make so much noise almost every night, the residents wouldn’t complain to its owner. 6. She wouldn’t have a headache after work every day if she didn’t work in a noisy office 6. Chain game F. Homeassignment(1ms.) - Learn by heart structures - Do Ex 4,5,6 in page 5 –SBT - Prepare unit 7: Communication Self evaluation: ......................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Period 58: UNIT 7: POLLUTION Lesson 4: Communication Preparing: ........./1/2020 Teaching: ........./1/2020 I/Objectives 1. Educational aims - To use the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” - Talk about the causes and effects of noise pollution as well as ways to reduce it 2. Knowledge and skills * General language knowledge - Vocabulary decrease, reproduce, - Grammatical structures : * Skills: Practice speaking and listening with the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” II/ Preparation: - T: lesson plan, visual pictures , projects, player - Ss: vocabularies related to the topic ‘ pollution” III/ Anticipated problems S may have dificulty in speaking, so teacher should repeat them IV. Procedure Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content A.Warm up(5ms): Let’s play a game “ network” Water pollution Types of pollution B. Presentation + practice (35ms) Activtity 1 - Have Ss read the questions in the questionnair to make they understand everything. Explain any unclear points . - Then Ss answer the questionnaire individually. T reminds them to circle their answers Activity 2 T asks Ss to work in pairs to compare their answer and see if they have any different answers. They don’t have to reach an agreement at this stage. -T asks some oairs to report on their differences. Activity 3 T plays the recording for Ss to check their answers. Ss listen to the recording twice . if there are any incorrect answers , Ss correct them. Ask Ss if any of answers has surprised them, and if so, why. Audio scipt: Noise is comstant and lound sound. To measure the loudness, or volume of sounds, people use aunit called a decibel. When a sound is louder than 70 decibels, it can cause noise pollution. Do you know that the noise from a vacuum cleaner or a motorcycle can result in permanent hearing loss after eight hours/ the sounds of a concert are even more serious. They can reach as high as 130 decibels and may cause immediately are listening to music through headphones, and other people can hear it, it means the noise is affecting you and damaging your hearing. Wearing earplugs when you go to concerts or other lound events, and listening to music through headphes or headsets at safe leels can help you reduce the effects of noise pollution Activity 4. Ask Ss which of eight questionaire proposes ways to prevent noise pollution. Have Ss work in groups in five minutes to discuss more ways to reduce noise pollution. Asks ss to write their answer on a big piece of paper and then present their answers. Have ss vote for the best ways E.Wrap-up( 4ms) -T: asks Ss to repeat ways to prevent noise pollution. - Repeat F. Homeassignment(1ms.) - Do Ex 1 in page 6 –SBT - Prepare unit 7: skills 1 1.Noise pollution is more common and more dammageing than many people realise 2. Compare your answers with those of a classamte. How many answers have you got? 3. Now listen to ashort presentationabout noise pollution. How many correct answers have you got? Key: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 4.work in groups . Discuss other ways to prevent noise pollution Self evaluation: ....................... *************************************************** UNIT 7: POLLUTION Period 59: Lesson 5: Skills 1 Preparing: ........./1/2020 Teaching: ........./1/2020 I/Objectives 1. Educational aims - To use the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” - To read for general and specific information about water pollution - To talk about the causes and effects of water pollution as well as ways to reduce it 2. Knowledge and skills * General language knowledge - Vocabulary + contamination (n) , insect(n) , herbicides (n) : outbreaks (n) , cholera(n) - Grammatical structures : * Skills: Practice reading and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” II/ Preparation: - T: lesson plan, visual pictures , projects, - Ss: vocabularies related to the topic ‘ pollution” III/ Anticipated problems S may forget vocabularies so teacher should repeat them IV. Procedure Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content A.Warm up (5ms) T: asks Ss to give effects of water pollution Ss: - fish, frogs , crabs dead, aquatic plants are damage Reading (20ms) Before- reading Activity 1 Have Ss do this activity in pairs . One S look at picture A on page 12 while the other looks at picure B on page 15. they ask each other Yes, No questions to find out the differences between the two picures T: ( picture A): Are there five ducks in your picture? S: (picture B) : Yes, there are. Are there ducks back in your picture? T: no, they aren’t. They ‘re white. - Ss work in pairs - T calls one s to report on the differences. Other Ss can add some more. - Ask Ss what the pictures tell them ( water pollution). - T introdures new words While- reading Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the questions. Tell Ss that the first two questions ask for general information while the rest forcus on details Ss can underline parts of the passage that help them with the answers. Asks Ss to compare their answers Call on some Ss to give their answers T corrects After -reading Activity 1. Remind Ss quicly of the way to do this type of exercise. Asks Ss to read the sentences quickly to underline the keywords. For example , in sentence 1, the keywords are drinking water, untreated and outbreak. Ss locate the keywords in the passage and pick the suitable to filll each blank. Have Ss read their answers T corrects Speaking (15ms) Before -speaking Activity 1 Asks Ss to work in groups to discusss the sollutions to water pollution. T can suggest they make two sul-headings Point source pollution Non-point source pollution Ss work in groups Asks Ss write on a piece od paper. Other grous add any ideas if necessary. While -speaking Activity 2 - Asks Ss to work in groups to complete thediagram. ( 5- to 7 ms) Ss work in groups. After- speaking Activity 1: - Ask some groups to give apresentation about water pollution. Other groups listen and give comments - The class may vote for the best presentation and T can give them marks F. Homeassignment(1ms.) - Do Ex 1, 2 in page 7 –SBT - Prepare unit 7: skills 2 Reading 1Work in pair. One of you look at picture A and other picture B on page 15. Ask each questions to find out the differences between your pictures Suggested differenes: A B -The dusks are while. -There are going to the lake. -There aren’t any factories near the lake. -The lake water is clean -The dusks are black. -There are going from the lake. -There are some factories near the lake. -The lake water is dirty/ black + contamination (n) sự làm bẩn + insect(n) : sâu bọ + herbicides (n) : thuốc diệt cỏ + outbreaks (n) : sự bùng nổ + cholera(n) : bệnh tả 1.Mi and Nick have described to give presentation on water pollution to the class. Read what they have prepared and answer the questions Key: 1.the second paragraph tellls about the cause of water pollution. 2.the third paragragh tells about the effects of water pollution 3. It’s the water beneath the Earth’s surface. 4. they are industial waste, sewage, pesticides, and herbicides. 5. they are pollutants from storm water and the atmoshere. 6. They use herbicides to killl weeds. 3. Read the text again and complete the notes about the effects of waterpollution . fill each blank with no more thn three words. Key: 1. chlera 2. die 3. polluted water 4. dead 5. apuatic plants Speaking 4.work in groups and discuss the sollutions to water pollution. Make notes of your answers Factories dump industrial waste Solution 1: Give heavy fines to companies that are found doing this Solution2: Educate companies about the environment. Sollution 1: Give tax break to companies that fine” clean” ways to dispose of their waste. 5.Now complete the diagram of water pollution . Use the information from the cause and effects 6. Make a presentation about water pollution based on the diagram Self evaluation: ************************************************** UNIT 7: POLLUTION Period 60: Lesson 6: Skills 2 Preparing: 2/5/2020 Teaching: 4/5/2020 I/Objectives 1. Educational aims - To use the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” - To listen to get specific information about thermal pollution - To write bout the cause and effects of one pollution type 2. Knowledge and skills * General language knowledge - Vocabulary: discharge , algal, bloom, oxygen , epuipment - Grammatical structures : * Skills: Practice listening and writing with the lexical items related to the topic “ pollution” II/ Preparation: - T: lesson plan, visual pictures , projects, player - Ss: vocabularies related to the topic ‘ pollution” III/ Anticipated problems S may have difficulty in listening, writing, so teacher should help them IV. Procedure Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content A .Warm up T: asks Ss to work in groups to give effects of thermal pollution Ss: water getting hotter, high temperature, warmer water Before- listening T: what can you see in the pictures: S: I san see thermal pollution, rise water While- listening Activity 1 -Asks ss to work in pairs describing the pictures and relationship between them. - Ss work in pairs describing the pictures and relationship between them. T plays the rcording for Ss to check their answers - Call on some Ss to give their answer T gives answers Activity 2 - Have Ss quickly read the diagram and identify the form of the words/ phras to be filled in eacg blank. For Example, the words for blanks 1 and 2 are adjectives. - T plays the recording once. Asks Ss ‘s answers and write them on the board. Writing Before- writing Activity 1 T asks Ss to work in pairs and decise which pollution type in their area they are going to discuss. Ss work in pairs Have Ss take notes of the causes and effects. Move arround to offer help as pairs discuss their ideas. While- writing Activity 1 Ss stay with their partner. One s write about the causes and the other write about the effects based on their note from 3. T reminds Ss to use markers like firstly, secondly, finally to navigate through their points. After -writing Activity 1 - Have Ss share their work with each other And combine it to make a complete article. Tell them should add one or two sentences at the beginning to introduce the topic and other ones at the end to conclude their article. Finally , ask for volunteer pairs to read their articles out to the class and have Ss comment on them T collects alll the articles for marking E.Wrap-up( 4ms) -T: Asks Ss to repeat the causes and effects of thermal pollution - Repeat F. Homeassignment(1ms.) - Do Ex 1, in page 10 –SBT - Prepare unit 7: Looking back + project Listening 1.Describe what you see in the pictures and talk about the relationship between them. Key: The first picture shows an algal bloom in coast seawater. The second picture shows the cooling towers from a power station They are both related to thermal pollution 2.Listen to part of a conversation on TV between areporter and an evnironmentalist about thermal pollution. Complete the diagram. Key: 1. hotter 6. fish populations 2. cooler 7. harmful 3. cool 8. colour 4. warm rivers 9. poison 5. warmer rivers 10. cool down * New words - discharge (n) sự tuôn ra - algal bloom : hoa tảo - oxygen : khí ô xy - epuipment : (n) trang thiết bị . Writining 3.Work in pairs . Discuss the causes and effects of one type of pollution in your area. Make note in the diagram 4.Imagine that you two are writing an article for the local newspaper about atype of pollution in your area . One of you writes about the causes and the other writes about effects of the pollution type you have just discussed in 3 5. Read each other ‘s work and put them together to make a complete article Self evaluation: ************************************************** UNIT 8: ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES Period 61: Lesson 1: Getting stared Preparing: 4/5/2020 Teaching: 6/5/2020 I/Objectives 1. Educational aims - To use the lexical items related to the topic of people and places in English speaking countries - To use the present simple to talk about future activities 2. Knowledge and skills * General language knowledge - Vocabulary: aw
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